My son is 8 years old and was diagnosed with ADHD at age 5 and has been on medication since that time, which seems to reduce symptoms during the day (though only by a bit). His father and I are divorced (have been since my son was 1 year old) and share 50/50 custody and nights with our son. At his father's house, he apparently goes to bed on time and stays in bed throughout the night. When he does wake, his father is a light sleeper and gets up with him to keep an eye on him. His father and I have discussed bedtime routines and we've tried to make ours as similar as possible. He is already on a medication at night that helps him fall asleep and improves his appetite.
However, at my home, my son refuses to go to bed when it is time and no reward or consequence seems to affect his behavior. When he does go to bed eventually, he seems to wake up at night and get into things he shouldn't (he is very destructive when left to his own devices). I take a sleep aid to sleep due to insomnia so I often fall asleep before he goes to bed and/or if he wakes, I do not hear him and wake. He has recently started going outside of our home at night and creating trouble with neighbors (such as throwing paper airplanes lit on fire over the fence or stealing solar-powered lighting from yards), not to mention how terrifying it is to have him wandering around outside at 3am. I have decided that, for the time being, he needs to stay with his father at night until I can figure something out to help him go to bed on time, to stay in bed, and to create less mischief at night. He has an appointment with a therapist and of course I will see what she thinks, but that isn't until June and in the meantime, I've lost valuable time with my son.
My questions are:
1. Has anyone else experienced a similar problem? If so, what helped with your situation?
2. Does anyone have any insight or advice to help make it safe for my son to stay with me at night at my home again?