I’m having to call another parent tonight, so any insight asap would be appreciated. Sigh....here goes:
My son plays football at recess with a group of his friends. He’s been complaining for months that they cheat and then they taunt his team when they win even though they cheated (paraphrasing what my 8yo is saying). He complains about it most nights almost to the point of tears. He’s a little bit of a justice warrior, which is funny because as an ADHD kid he has little control when following classroom rules. However, when it comes to sports, you follow those rules! We’ve given him what we thought was great advice, tips and tools to handle it, but I’m afraid we’ve failed him. Today, he tackled 2 of the “cheaters” because they were taunting him and his team. “We won, we’re winners, you’re losers” usual 8yo stuff. I got a text from one of the cheater’s moms and told her I would call her tonight. My first question and then a little history. Would you consider this bullying? (It’s been going on for about 2 months) I know this is his perception and I’ll try to get the other side of the story (I’m hoping to get from the other parent tonight) My son had several incidents last year and this is his first real incident this year, so we’ve made great progress. He’s been on Metadate CD for 2 weeks now and doing much better in the classroom. I thought things were starting to look up and this happens. I know you Moms know how I’m feeling....when things start to go right, the ball drops again. It is exhausting. So to recap, would you consider this bullying? (My initial thought was no sounds like regular 8yo behavior, but maybe no?). How do I tell this mom (one of the cheaters that my son tackled) that her kid is a little cheater, taunter? My son has talked to my husband more in-depth about the cheating. I don’t understand football, but he gave my husband specifics about what they are doing to cheat and my husband does agree that they are being unfair.