little background my son started his current school in 2nd grade. It’s a bigger k-5 public school. He’s done well making good friends and the staff is wonderful, however he’s not getting good accommodations and when he does it happens for a few weeks then stops. They aren’t putting anything concrete in his 504 besides “extra time for testing, being able to have fidgets ect) he’s an anxious by nature kid and the size of the school has never really agreed with him (he leaves the pep rallies early, hates their crowded aftercare)
he got offered a spot in a smaller county school that’s k-8. The classroom size itself is about the same but the school overall is smaller. I entertained the thought thinking he would shoot it down. He was all in. They have class pets and have an extra recess, more gym time during the week and aftercare is one that he goes to in the summer and likes.
I am absolutely torn up about it. Literally cried everyday. I sent the new school his 504 and the principal was like, that’s not much of anything so let’s start over and figure out what he needs. If he needs an IEP we will get him one, they don’t want to wait til he’s failing to do something. I know it’s a good choice but I’m so worried about HIM. It seems fun and exciting but once the anxiety kicks in and he misses his old friends, will it still be the right decision.