Help: I’m new to this. I am a single... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...

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Mbmitchell_13 profile image
6 Replies

I’m new to this. I am a single mother to a 6 year old little girl. She was diagnosed with ADHD last school year (2016). So far she has been on three different medications.. she has been to therapy and nothing has helped... she has meltdowns and I can’t calm her down.. she can cry and scream for what feels like hours... which leads me to cry.. I feel like a bad mother because I am not on top of this. I just want to understand her better so I can help her to succeed. Her teacher has sent a letter home saying she is very behind on her work, she disrupts class, she is very messy and keeps her work space messy, she can’t sit still nor will she listen or pay attention.... I know the doctor has to find the right medication but right now is when it’s the hardest..

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Mbmitchell_13 profile image
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6 Replies
Mmagusin profile image

Try to document what triggers the melt downs. Is she sleeping enough? Eating? Is it right after medicine wears off or do the medicines not work or she even gets worse.

BVBE profile image

Have you asked the school to perform a 504 plan? It is a behavior plan that will help your daughter aand may hopefully get her the help she needs in school.

anirush profile image

My grandson used to have used meltdowns like that when he was in kindergarten, first grade. We have had to try several Med combos to get him stable. Risperidone was the medicine that works best for him for the anger. But he also has to be on ADHD meds and a mood stabilizer.

Figuring out the meds this really tough and we are still trying to do that.

Mistybarnicle profile image

Have you tried diet changes? It won't hurt to try of you haven't. Sounds a lot like my son before I started him on Smarty Pants With omegas, Focus Factor for kids, Nordic fish gummies, and I removed all dyes (huge) and artificial flavors, and preservatives. The few extra dollars is worth it. It took about 5-6 weeks but it's been night and day. He's been in the pink (highest in behavior chart) for 7 days in a row!!!! OH and electronics were removed as well. The toughest part was the food, it took about a week to swap everything out but everything has a clean option. I wish you luck. I didn't want to medicate my son and it worked out for the best.

Mbmitchell_13 profile image

She has been on two different types of sleeping medicine and I have also tried melatonin... she does not sleep good and is super illed in the mornings. Bed time is at 8:30. She is a very picky eater.. she doesn’t eat a lot of meat or stuff in that area. Noodles, bread and chicken is the only thing she will eat... I’ve tried switching it up but she makes herself sick.. when her medicine wears off she gets worse... she takes a pill in the afternoon to help with homework (which doesn’t help)... the school is going to try her on a psd program, which I am hopping will be a big help to her.. her metabolism is high so her medicine dosage has been changed a lot due to her body eating up everything quicker then it should.

LuckyMonkey profile image

It is such a difficult, lonely and frustrating path, and we've all been there. There are dozens of things to try, but isolating the triggers, finding a balance of rest, exercise, diet and medication will most likely be your best bet. It is not something that happens overnight, and when the big emotions and meltdowns happen, at least for our family, it feels hopeless. It's not hopeless, it is hard, and you're doing a good job. It can be difficult for us to remember that ADHD is a real disease, it comes with real challenges, and there are hundreds of choices for medication, dietary adjustments and environmental changes that can seem overwhelming, especially when you're in the thick of it. My 7 yr. old son has had many of the same difficulties, and getting him a good amount of sleep and proper nutrition (i.e. fruits & vegetables, fewer processed foods/carbohydrates) was key. When he would wake very early & steal chocolate chips, marshmallows or sugar-he would be off kilter & uncontrollable. Once we started a strict bedtime routine: Bath, calming music & story, 1 mg. melatonin every night, and color coding our kitchen with 'good' snacks that he could get himself without needing permission: nuts, fruit, veggies, yogurt, etc., it set him up for success. Combining that element with the proper medication (for him it was 1/2 tablet of Wellbutrin daily, along with probiotic & Omega 3 Viyarin food supplement), visits with a therapist 2-4/month, walking to school each morning (for a quick burst of exercise) and utilizing a reward system have all boiled down to a HUGE improvement. I found with my little one that remaining calm (it's so HARD) amidst the chaos, coming from a place of love and letting him know that I can see he's upset, or frustrated, or overwhelmed (instead of thinking he's being nasty, getting angry or overwhelmed myself) has led our family to a much happier, healthier spot. I hope you find some tools that help you-please know despite how you might feel, you're not alone. Everyone of us have and/or are dealing with the same pressures, challenges and battles you're going through. Keep it up, you'll see some light at the end of the tunnel and you are your daughter's best advocate!

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