I have 14 yr old who has ADHD since he was 3 and the older he gets the worse it gets he's very defiant and steals all the time and I feel like I'm failing as a parent I don't know where to go or who to turn too
Suggestions needed: I have 14 yr old... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Suggestions needed

You are NOT failing. Proof being, you are on this forum. I have 2 sons with ADHD, the oldest being 22. I’ve been through (and still going though) the same issues with my son. It took me a long time to get to that point of not feeling like a failure.
Are you guys in therapy?
Unfortunately, ADHD impacts more than just school. Teens seem to become even more impulsive, and may steal, abuse substances, etc. Reckless behavior, along with defiance, can be the norm for many ADHD boys. Medication can help with this impulsivity, along with schoolwork. Therapy may help, although most teens have very little insight at this age. You did not say who your son steals from - I am guessing it's you. Locks on the bedroom door will help and be sure all your medications are locked away. Clear guidelines on the rules (which should be few) are important, but you must stick to the consequences ALL the time. Try not to argue with him - just stick to the rules.
Having the same problem with my 13 year old grandson who lives with me most of the time. He was the sweetest kid on Focalin for years, now he gets angry, has tantrums and breaks things. We switched his ADHD med to Concerta and trying Risperidone for the anger. I am tired of living and walking on egg shells.