My son, 5yrs old, was diagnosed with ADHD 2 months ago. Hes in kindergarten and I get calls everyday from his teacher about his behavior. He's not a mean kid he just can't sit still and constantly has to be moving. His teacher has said that his behavior has been getting worse but I don't know what our options are. I haven't been educated on what our options are an it seem that the teacher and school are giving up rather then trying to find a solution or a plan that will help the situation. I don't know what to do or who to turn to for help I'm so lost . he is such an awesome warm hearted kid I just wish they would see this through his over activeness, and I wish I new what steps to take to help him in school.
So lost: My son, 5yrs old, was... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
So lost

My son is 7 and we have noticed behavioral issues from around 6 months. He was diagnosed in 1st grade and started a 504 plan with the school. The psychologist gave a list of accommodations he would need to succeed. By law, the school has to accommodate him per the ADA. Second grade has arrived and I have received nothing but push back from his teacher. We are only 3 months into the school year and I’ve had about 7 conferences with the school. It is a grueling and tedious process but, I have had to stay on the teachers and in a very diplomatic way tell them I will contact the school board. Very soon we will also starting ABA therapy which is behavioral therapy. I understand what you’re going through. It’s hard to watch my son going through a tough time. Ask about a 504 plan and check out behavior therapy. If you can afford it, look into Waldorf or Montessori private school.
Been there, unfortunately schools lack knowledge & training on ADHD. Your son's teacher probably has no idea how to work with him. That's why we all have to research and arm ourselves with knowledge to be our children's advocates. If he's been diagnosed then there should be an IEP or 504 in place. I wish you luck & God bless!
My son is like this he is 4 and hasn't been diagnosed with anything so frustrating
We had issues with my son's behavior in pre-k and at home so when we went to his check up when he turned 5 we asked his doctor for help. He was just given the formal diagnosis (he's still 5 years old). Be persistent with his doctor. Don't give up. I know it's hard when you're in that limbo waiting for a diagnosis. You're not alone
I would look up sample letter for a 504 plan or iep for adhd and write the school requesting one they legally have to give him atleast a 504 plan if not a iep plan I was told not to just ask for one to put the request in writing
This is a tough time. My son exhibited behavioral issue from very small age, he was not diagnosed until kindergarten. It was a rough year so I know how hard it is for you. He is 11 now so it gets better. We to had issues with the school in the begin which is interesting as it would appear as my son was the first ADHD child in the school which is certainly not the case. We began by having a meeting to share our concerns with the teacher, principle, school counselor, and academics staff. We did get him on an IEP. We also started seeing a Psychologist
and eventually a Psychiatrist at the end of kindergarten when he started on ADHD medication. We were able to arrange a meeting with the psychologist and the school which was great as she could give them modifications to try and email along the way. Our psychologist also performed additional testing to help us understand some of his behavior issues. One of the biggest things I learned is that it is the school's responsibility to deal with his behaviors at school. It does no good for a teacher to call or write a parent every day about all the bad things your child as done. This I also learned is detrimental to the child which unfortunately I learned also with my son as he still remembers how terrible he felt in kindergarten. We are so much better now. The school is wonderful and has really learned to deal with my son. We receive very few emails or phone calls these days. There can be a positive out there so just stick with it and continue to advocate for your son. You can also look for a child advocate if the school just doesn't seem to want to work with your child. Best wishes and blessings to you and your family!
Our Education system isn’t educated on ADHD! I have many teachers in my family. The Ones with a Special Education degree are somewhat knowledgeable but the regular are not. As a parent you are your child’s advocate . A 504 or an IEP will help your child to receive accommodations. A Pediatric Psychiatrist is very helpful too. Educate yourself by reading up on ADHD. There are many good books to help you. Scattered But Smart and ADHD is not a four letter word were helpful for me. Good luck!