Hi my name is Ann my son is 7 and he has adhd he is having behavior problems in school but I've done everything possible to give him the right punishment I've taken all his electronics away even stop taken him to places that he wants to go but nothing is working any suggestions
My 7 yr old: Hi my name is Ann my son... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
My 7 yr old

You could try an,award system to reward the behavior that is expected from him it.. make a reward chart for good behavior and at the end of the day give him small rewards for good behavior... good luck hope this helps
What worked for my 8yr old. Was putting his behavior in perspective. Saying how do you think think your teachers feel when you dont listen. Letting him know that everyone cares about him and wants to help him, but it hurts them when he screams no at them. I told we all have to work together. We wrote quite a few apology letters last year. Everytime time he had a meltdown at school we wrote a letter.
We also exercise daily before school and i encourage him to take out all his anger on a punching bag.
Is the behavior agressive or just not listening?
Patenting an adhd child is so hard annd sometimes it is so hard to know what to do.
Attend parent education ad training opportunities. Traditional discipline and punishments do not work. One will never punish away behaviors because ADHD is a neurobiological disorder; the brain structure is different. Executive functioning is deficient. A child with ADHD is developmentally behind their peers by three to five year. Positive reinforcement of acceptable behavior choices is key. Ignoring most minor negative behaviors will help them disappear. Behaviors are attention seeking, stimulus provoking, control driven and or for the purpose of aquiring something. Parenting using a coach approach will make a difference. My answer is very oversimplified. CHADD, Attitude, ImpactADHD, universities and a school district's SELPA are great resources for parent education and training.
I totally agree with this post. It is so hard for me to keep my cool on somedays but I do try to use this approach
We found that short term and immediate consequences work far better than long term or delayed consequence. It's a constant struggle but does get easier. Tokens , stickers, go a long way with our little one. Good deeds reward him with stickers and so many stickers earn him rewards. Bad deeds are not rewarded obviously. Talks before school about making good choices help. Rewarding him with praise on good days makes a difference as well.
Try setting small goals for good behavior. A goal that is attainable for his age. Let him know if he can have a good week in school he can whatever you decide on for his reward. Always better to go towards the positive, but nothing wrong with the child losing privileges too.
Daily rewards are more effective in my experience. My son's behavior at school is acknowledged often throughout the day with a reward, if earned, at the end,