Hi Everyone! I am writing because I know that people search for info on different medications and I wanted to share about my son and Zoloft. First, it was a huge struggle for me to put my son on medication after his trials of methylphenidate and Adderall did not help his meltdowns at all. I finally was able to find a board certified clinical psychiatrist who honed in on his anxiety and suggested either Prozac or Zoloft. His dad deals with anxiety and has had success with Zoloft so we went with that. They say that it usually takes about 2 weeks to notice a difference, but I noticed a difference the second day!
His meltdowns are much diminished, his appetite and interest in eating is much better, he has a lot more patience for things, and in general he seems a lot less tense and irritable.
I'm still doing behavioral therapy and we are also working with the Amen Clinic to do all the integrative evaluations they offer, but I wanted to share some positive feedback for Zoloft. It was an agonizing decision, but I am glad that we found such a skilled psychiatrist and didn't just continue down the "trial" method with the developmental pediatrician.