I thought I would get wet and I did. Just as well had on baseball hat and a light hooded jacket that goes into a small bag.. started 2 km dry then the drizzle and then the heavy rain around the duck pond, typical duck weather. Cleared up for a while jacket off again, and past the train station , that took about 5 km , then walked to a small village over the red brig . On the way back started heavy again , and thought not far away if i do 10 km instead of 8.5 km. Decided to walk along the river for a while nice and still and back over the chain bridge to get home , which was 1.5 km from there. By then dry but still good walk. Took about 1 hour 37 . Back home and Mr D preparing brekkie. Mr D ran a 5 km and said hamstring a wee bit better so good news.
sun coming out here so hopefully can sit in sun. Looking forward to commonwealth games.