Not a member of any of these myself but I know people who belong and who have been on walking holidays with Ramblers
Not a member of any of these myself but I know people who belong and who have been on walking holidays with Ramblers
Also HF Affiliated Groups.
I don't know much about the groups but I went on three walking holidays, one in Yugoslavia, gosh about 30 years ago!
I missed out recently on a trip to Alnwick 😏
Me and my two mates go walking in Notts and derbys but have not,done as much this year, sadly. I walk the dog a lot,but it's not the same. We have a right laugh when we go hiking for the day 😀
My husband is very unfit and won't walk hardly at all. Works at the sharp end of the NHS too, which really annoys me 😞
I often think there is a really good case for a focus on the health of NHS staff, so that they believe in the power of preventative health measures on a personal level. I think there's a whole macho thing going on sometimes (and I do not mean just the men) - like missing meals etc is a badge of honour.