The last few days I have been feeling really depressed and Today I woke up feeling really flat my skin is so itchy I have Emperderm Onintment which I use everyday for Psoriasis and it helps with washing as soaps irritate my skin but today is the worse I have been for a long time so seeing DR for check up Fighting depression I thought was a challenge but now I just want to give up and accept but I do not want it to rule my life at times I feel it is taking over so I said OK you win now let me free I chat back to it like a friend cos I am the one living with this condition 24/7 my family are not interested and tell me that I have to deal with it as everyone gets depressed you just have to find a way to deal with it. I am taking Amitripylene and Atorvastatin I exercise when I can as I can not run or jump and walking is a nightmare for me as very painful I do exercises on the sofa when watching tv and I do deep breathing exercises but today is the worst I have been for a long time both feet and ankles are badly swollen primary LE I am so fed up with my body I have to be careful of what I eat cos of a flare up and I have hives feeling so low I do not know what to do anymore