Hi to whoever might be reading this,
I've previously did a post months back in regards to depression and ways to deal with it. For the past years, whilst living with my parents they have always been domestics at home, constant arguments early in the morning and at late night. I've always had get dragged into the conflicts even when I don't want to get involved. It even led to physical conflict with me and my father once and he resulted to getting a knife on me. As years has gone by, my little sister has came into this situation and I don't want her to go through the mental battle and depression that I had to go through with this problem. It's gotten worse than expected to even the point where today at the time writing this post my parents, again, had a heated argument which almost resulted to them physically fighting. I'm not sure what I can do at this point, this has been going on for years, and the last thing I want is my little sister to have to go through the same mental problem as I had to as mentioned before. I was wondering is there anything that can be done about this. Enough is enough and it's not fair