Hello, this is my first time posting here. I am going through a very hard break up, nothing I haven't dealt with before but this time I can't move out and this is breaking me apart. It's so hard to see him everyday acting like nothing happened, treating me like I am his friend, I can understand he's done with the relationship but I still have feelings for him despite all of the bad we've been through. I feel what I have is more like a trauma bond, an attachment because there is no way I put up with so much for so long if nothing is going on with me. I don't know if anybody has any advise on how to manage all of this, the living together situation, I am looking for a place to live but it's hard because I don't make that much and I will need his assistance until I find a better paying job. I feel lost and upset because he has everything, he has a great job, great career and I am the one that needs to start from scratch and it's ok, I guess but it hurts very much. TIA.
How to cope: Hello, this is my first time... - Women's Health
How to cope

I am sorry you are going through this. Do you have any family or friends you could stay with because living with him will just make it more difficult to move on emotionally.
Even renting a room in a house with other people would be better and cheaper than renting on your own.
I am sorry I don’t have any real advice but wish you the best.
So sorry 😔 it's very hard to switch from being in an intimate relationship to a platonic one when it's not your choice but he's made his choice and even though you wish things were different it's time to refocus and concentrate on nurturing yourself. Of course you will grieve for the relationship and what might have been, this will take time, but you know this, you've been here before. In the past you could put physical distance between you but now this feels impossible. I 'm just wondering if you could try to limit your contact, if that's what you need, by arranging separate times for using the shared spaces in your home, spending more time away from the house, and making your space somewhere that you can spend more time? I know this won't stop the heartbreak being painful but you can allow yourself time and space to do what you need to until it's time for you to take on the world again
focus on getting a new job and find other places to spend time when your ex will be at the home. Even if it's a library or coffee shop. Spend the time looking for a new job or second job and other places to live or a room to rent elsewhere
Thank you everyone.