My cycle can range from 30-39 days at times . Sometimes around 29days . I used to have horrendous periods in my teens and teen years even into my twenties then my life changed and I was put on the pill . It regulated me and lightened them ALOT I've noticed as I've got older my periods got a little irregular nothing major longer cycle a little heavier then lighter . Anyhow I am on day 39 and still no period it is very annoying as I am going on holiday and thought my period would be either here or over and done with . I've had a few symptoms which I get that usually indicates it's on the way but it's been over 2 weeks and still not here . Any suggestions?.
Can someone help me with period delays. Ag... - Women's Health
Can someone help me with period delays. Age 40
you could ask your doctor for norethisterone or another one is provera. These are progesterone only tablets they should be started 2 days before period is due. You can also get them online.
This is exactly what happened to me from age 38 - longer cycles and shorter cycles and then aged 44 a missed cycle. I also became very very heavy. The inconsistency made a real mess of a couple of my holidays! My doctor said the options were the contraceptive pill or the progesterone tablet to delay my period. But, as I never knew when it would turn up the progesterone tablet wasn't really of any use as the timing needed to be correct for it to work. My cycle ranged from 21-45 days. I didn't want to take the pill as I took it for years throughout my teens and twenties. Not sure if you are still on it but maybe it's worth considering again? Not sure there is much you can do for this up coming holiday but worth a call with your doctor to see.
Most likely, you're pre- menopausal.