Due to discomfort, burning and a feeling that something was wrong, I was examined at my doctor's surgery and diagnosed with a vaginal prolapse requiring surgery. The waiting list is long. I went to a private clinic, hoping to get the surgery and get back to work. However, she examined me and said that we would try other things first, then maybe surgery would be considered at a later stage. Appointments for physio and estrogel cream. This involves significant travel for physio and having tried estrogel cream in the past without success, due to burning I had to stop using it. She wrote a letter to my GP, stating that she had seen me as I had a prolapse query! I didn't. I had a diagnosis and a referral. I have a diagnosed brain injury and suffer from 'urge incontinence', this is not the same as stress incontinence and is not due to weak pelvic floor. I have been told that I have strong pelvic floor muscles and that it is a neurological issue. The physio that the private consultant is sending me for is for pelvic floor exercises! I attend a neuro physio on NHS for brain related issues. I am now mixed up and don't know what to say or do. Any advice would be appreciated.
Confusion: Due to discomfort, burning and a... - Women's Health

oh dear. 😞. Are you feeling mixed up due to the specialists sending wrong info back to your GP. ? If you are then I would see your GP and explain, like you have in this post, the chain of events. I hope this helps.
It can sometimes take a while to get the right solutions to our health worries, but it sounds like you are doing all the right things.
I hope all is moved forward for you soon. Take care
Pelvic floor exercises and topical HRT are the standard first approach, far better to try and improve things with easy treatments than jump straight into surgery which may work but may also give you other problems.
There are so many different topical HRTs so if one doesn’t suit try another, I’m very sensitive to preservatives so took a long time to find one that didn’t sting or burn. Also many different pessaries which support the prolapse to try so there are other options before the surgical one. If you saw a Gynae then personally I would take their advice as they are the expert, not a GP.
I’ve had a prolapse for years and have reversed it with Pilates ((instruction from a prolapse experienced teacher) and topical treatments.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Thank you for your reply, I have already had the gynae exam to show pelvic floor is good, done the flow tests and tried the estriol without improvement. She said there is prolapse but didn't seem to get the connection with brain injury and incontinence. Frustrating to have to go through it all again.

🤔I have Cerebellar Ataxia..and wonder if I should put my problems down to Neurogenic Bladder issues..muscles can become very weak
My GP thought I might have a prolapse ..I’m experiencing frequency and possibly frequent UTIs, so she referred me
It was a Uro-Gynae Clinic, and prolapse was dismissed. I had to complete an input-output chart and it was satisfactory. I’m being referred to Physio..and advised to cut down on citrus and sugar. In addition..I was given Laxido to help with constipation (this combined with straining triggers bladder problems)….plus Vagifem pessaries
I got through to menopause without HRT.and I’ve had Grade 3 Breast Cancer..so I’m reluctant to take HRT now…
Thank you for your reply, neurological problems are often not understood in other departments, really frustrating.