Has anyone on here had a procedure for looking inside the uterus? Sorry I don't know the medical term. I had an ultra sound which showed a slight thickening of the womb lining and now the hospital wants to do further tests.I'm already in a panic about it. They also said there was slight inflammation in the bowel, so that needs further investigation. Is that a camera? Any explanation or help would be appreciated. Cannot even get to speak to GP because of Covid!
Uterus: Has anyone on here had a procedure... - Women's Health
Hi I have a bulky uterus which was shown on an MRI but didn’t show on ultrasound. This diagnosed adenomyosis which is a gynaecology illness.
Due to this it puts pressure on places like my bowel and bladder meaning I have to go more often than the average person.
Also had colonoscopy to look at the bowel.
To look at my uterus they done a hysteroscopy too.
Feel free to ask any questions and I hope you get some answers soon x
Thanks for that info. So the procedure is called hysteroscopy. Do they insert a camera? I don't have any pain so I don't think i have endiometriosis just thickening of the lining. Is the procedure painful ? What is the treatment, are you ok now?🤔
Hi I had a hysteroscopy a few years ago to look at my fibroid and I had a general anaesthetic,was in as a day patient and had no pain afterwards.I think this procedure has been done before without putting women to sleep and some have found it really quite painful.I think it may depend on the hospital.
It's carried out using a hysteroscope, which is a narrow telescope with a light and camera at the end. Images are sent to a monitor so your doctor or specialist nurse can see inside your womb.
The hysteroscope is passed into your womb through your vagina and cervix (entrance to the womb), which means no cuts need to be made in your skin.
Hi, I had a saline sonography, they were looking to see if any fibroids inside my uterus, as I have some fibroids
Hi, I had both. The hysteroscopy to look inside with a camera. They were looking for my lost mirena. I have fibroids so we also saw those clear on camera.. i had no painstillers at all, they recommended ibuprofen but i cannot take that. I didn't have anypain, it felt for me like a little cramp here and there..
Oh yeah and the colonoscopy.. so i bled for 10 days from my colon.. ct scan also showed tickening. For this i got a sedative (iv). So i was half sleep but i have a "difficult " colon so they kept pushing and couldn't get further, so i remember it as a painful dream. Conclusion was that thickening was "probably " nothing.. and bleeding came from little pouches on the walls (common in the elderly, I'm 41).
About 6 years ago I had noticed a tiny bleed after swimming and was sent to have the hysteroscope - I was so nervous that the lady let me hold the camera and inset it as I felt ready but she gently pushed -( it was not painful - most painful was the full bladder I had to hold onto !) there was a polyp in my womb - .I had to have this removed so - ( I had a epidural for the procedure to remove the polyp ) - at the time after they removed the polyp - the doctor said she would insert the marina coil because although I was post menopausal and age 61 as I was then she recommended it as it "thins the womb " and prevents further polyps developing - I have had no further problems but as they don't take this out ever again according to her!
I am a bit worried that this will be inside me for life - I can't find the strings either but they may have just curled up - ( there are no examples or research on this -
so I am a little anxious )
She had got my consent at the time however weeks later she did appologise because after the biopsy the polyp was found to be benign and so perhaps she had 'jumped the gun " - she said it would be too big an operation to remove it ! ( I certainly wouldn't want it taking out without anaesthetic! ) - I may be a bit of a wuss! but even the camera was terrifying and just before this in the local surgery I had a smear test where I almost fell off the bed with the discomfort - never had that experience before - I think over time getting older and dry possibly it was so unbelievably painful ( I also have not had children ! ) - the pain stopped after she removed the speculum .
Even after the camera in the hospital I did feel faint a little time after. - I wish I could hear that at least one more person of 60 plus has had this and that I shouldn't worry.
My GP did once say " did I know the risks ?" but I hadn't asked for it inserting ! as I said it appeared that she had made her mind up it was advisable to have it - I didn't have any reason to doubt her but had not been given information because I was laid on my back in the middle of the operation ( epidural allows for you to be wide awake but unable to feel anything and you are completely immobile its quite disconcerting - however they gave me something very mild to take the anxiety away - she spoke to me all the way through and there was hardly any need for recovery time - better than full aesthetic I believe no sickness after or drowsiness - I could leave after 40 minuets - It was not simple to have the epidural though - it took them ages to find the right spot for the needle in my back - you have to be good arching your back or pushing your back out - I was not ! - that was the difficult bit.
I do think there's much room for improvements in anaesthesia its time for better solutions to being able to be examined without fear of pain or fear of not waking up etc.
After saying all of this - most good hospitals have seen and operated on these conditions for years and they do take care of you - All tests seem to provide you initially with paper information of mind blowing possible things that can go wrong - but when you are under a specialist you have a team of people who know just what they are doing and they do it well for most of the time.
I would say that whatever test you have to have they will look after you well - its possibly always best to say that you are feeling anxious etc tell them must what you fear etc
The paper information is far more frightening than the actual test when you look back with hindsight - ( having also had an endoscopy- for which I was so so afraid mostly because of what I read could go wrong !) - if I had to do this again I would most certainly.
You may have to have an ultrasound - I've had one of these and this is nothing to worry about - you may be bored but that's all - you need to lay still for pictures to be taken - there is slight warmth but its all very normal - there is noise from the machine its a bit alien however its not frightening unless you are claustrophobic- you know that they are looking after you - there is no pain anywhere - but its a long time to lay still flat ( I think with most tests I just try to think of the team and how best I can help them by being a good patient and this takes my own worries away ) - so the ultra sound is not a scary test.
They don't try to make things worse they know what they are doing and what they are looking for - so rest assured they will be working for your best outcomes and its better to be early with bodily changes then they can help you resolve them.
The best of luck with your tests I'm sure you will be glad you went ahead with them and will be able to reassure others .