Eating : I’m at work and starving. I had... - Women's Health

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I’m at work and starving. I had breakfast, toast with banana and peanut butter but feel the energy to get up and out the house needs fuelling by food.

I am trying to lose weight and keep off the two stone I lost last year.

I’m going to the post office in a minute but while out I don’t know what to eat.

I do have biscuits but would like to buy food. Yesterday I had garlic bread and I can still smell it.

I’m thinking I would like some thing healthy and not too expensive and I’m a vegetarian wanna be vegan.

I guess I don’t know my choices until I go to the shop but what shop to go to?

I identify as anorexic so it’s hard...

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9 Replies

As you have an eating disorder, when you deprive yourself of food, your brain reacts by affecting your perception of your body image. A shock or trauma can set off this eating disorder, but also emotional upset can make you over eat so you gain weight from comfort eating

. Sometimes people are addicted to foods that give them the fell good factor.. These foods are found in proteins cheese, meat, fish milk and dairy chocolate. The weight gain may be linked to grains maize and rice which make as sticky substance called ceramide, which can create fat in the arteries.

Carbohydrate foods such as biscuits cakes bread will pile on the weight storing as glucose in the liver. Coffee can help speed up your metabolism and the berry diet recommended by Dr Sreven Gundry US helps the metabolism by eating fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, blue berries black currants .

He is a cardiologist and has found how metabolism can be improved through eating these foods whilst cutting down excess carbohydrate found in grain foods.

The B group of vitamins accelerating metabolism and energy can be found in an ounce of Kelloggs wheat bran and contains B1 and B5 which are super vitamins. If you take apples to eat during the day as snacks this may cut down your calorie intake, between meals.

If you have a bread allocation of a slice of bread or a couple of rye bread diet biscuits, you may find cutting down the grains will help you maintain your weight loss. Green vegs are water but full of essential vitamins and minerals, and are better than potatoes, and chips.

Beware of fruit squashes and beers fizzy drinks which contain sucralose corn syrup and sorbitol and some other sweeteners which convert to glucose in the liver and pile on the weight they are sugar free. That zero drink may be the equivalent of sugar which is 17 teaspoons of sugar in a can of ordinary cola.

There are also enzymes found in foods such as beetroot spinach which can help your digestion, and help you keep your weight sable as well as reducing table salt and using sea salt with iodides which help thyroid function.

I need to lose weight too but am wary of upsetting my metabolism so guess you are wary too.. Hope you find some good diets. There is a UK weight loss website which gives some good veggie recipes and encouragement. Best of luck.

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melissamstanford42 in reply to

thank you for your reply. yes i have a difficult relationship with food so i appreciate you writing so much. it is my metablism i should be thinking of. less bread, more fruit.

in reply to melissamstanford42

Yes banana is high in sugar but the berry diet is great. You can look up fruit sugar or fructose levels on Cheers.

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melissamstanford42 in reply to

mmm, i know too much sugar from fruit is not good for the teeth.

in reply to melissamstanford42

yeh..tomato juice orang juice are high in sugar. The fruit acid can attack the tooth enamel, but some fruit like apples, but berry fruit strawberries black berries black currants cranberries bilberries raspberries accelerate metabolism. With a tablespoon of low fat yoghurt it makes a good sweet. Have been eating potato crisps and have put on a couple of pounds. Its definitely carbs putting the pounds on .

Its knowing when to stop, I find a problem. If I have one bag, If I am worried about something I think for the hell of it, I'm going to have another bag Then I jump on the talking scales and nearly throw them out the window as I find I have gained two pounds overnight!

melissamstanford42 profile image
melissamstanford42 in reply to

funny you should mention berries. i had some blueberries and oranges last night but was still hungry so i had to eat toast with marmalade. my friend usually eats fruit in the morning and hes usually chirpy with a lot more energy than me to do things. trouble is i just don't fancy fruit in the mornings, perhaps i could train myself.

in reply to melissamstanford42

It is annoying those satisfying foods such as toast and marmalade can delay metabolism. I guess it is worth having your favourite breakfast but half a slice of toast instead of a whole slice might help I get carried away with these foods but cannot eat them without problems. A boiled egg with half slice of toast, and a cuppa will probably boost metabolism rather than sugar and starch. Just cutting down on rice pasta bread, potatoes replacing them with green leafy vegetables might help. it is the feeling of being full after a meal which is encouraged by eating those foods which are filling. I like blueberry jam with a teaspoon on oat biscuits with green tea. If you feel well that's fine but when you are off colour, it does no harm to change your diet. I find having a cup of tea before each meal or a glass o water or sugar free squash fills up the stomach before the meal. Drinking coffee the after the meal can help too. People say exercise is good for you to burn off the fat but I find I am twice as hungry and eat twice as much.

melissamstanford42 profile image
melissamstanford42 in reply to

hi i lost 2 stone last year and bought new clothes on sunday. ive managed to keep the weight off and drop a couple of dress sizes. i'm looking forward to summer and getting up an hour earlier to walk the dogs and lose another 3 stone over 6 months.

eating wise i eat veg and bread at the moment. once a month i'll have ice-cream and once a week coke cola as my treats.

my diet and cooking is good, varied and healthy but its the execercise that i need to step-up.

Yes that is a problem as you have a self image problem. Keeping your weight steady enjoying foods you like might be easier if you devise a diet for calorie counting. As you live in the States you can find the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals and other substances from It is a great website with your favourite foods, cereals and fruit listed. Calorie values of peanut butter and foods are usually on the jars or packets, so calorie counting so using a teaspoon to reckon calories may make you think twice about digging deep into that peanut jar. Eating apples is a good snack as many have less calories and are filling. Other fruit such as blueberries raspberries are very low as are vegetable such as spinach and broccoli kale, collards leeks. A large plate of spinach can be filling. Meals such as cauliflower cheese with grated cheese put on the cauliflower can be filling too. I would go to a general grocers shop that sells fruit as well. Looking out for lower calorie biscuits and snacks may help. Hidden calorie fizzy drinks and beer might be an unknown source of unwanted calories but you should aim for at least 1400 calories a day. Watching salt and sugar levels may help fluid retention at certain times. Enjoy your food as it is part of life

and health.

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