I have been experiencing bleeding in between periods and abnormal discharge for months now. Today I went and had an examination at the doctors where she said she could see what looks like an ectropion. (Erosion of the cervix) I am not old enough for a smear as I am 19 and in the uk you have to be 21. I am worried to death that what she is actually seeing is actually cervical cancer thanks to google. Cervical cancer can apparently look like an ectropion. I am worried out of my mind
Please can someone try to reassure me (ectr... - Women's Health
Please can someone try to reassure me (ectropion)
🙂 Cervical Ectropion isn’t Cervical Cancer. I’m sorry your GP didn’t reassure you, and explain the condition more fully. It would be normal practice to have a referral if cancer was suspected. If you can’t get peace of mind, go back and see your GP, I’m sure they would rather you fully understood.
I have Been referred to a gynaecologist, I have looked on google and it says from a naked eye that a cervical ectropion can look exactly like cervical cancer this is why I am worrying x
🙂There are numerous links, and it pays to scroll through nearly all of them to make sure you have the full facts. Basically, glandular cells which are normally inside the womb are present on the outside surface of the cervix (neck of the womb), which can lead to abnormal bleeding and discharge. This is considered a benign condition, until tests done by the gynaecologist prove otherwise. You can scroll down all the links and find one that describes what an investigation involves.
Hi Elleeee at aged 21 I was also told I had ectropion and like you too early for a smear (the age in the UK is actually 25). I ended up seeing a gynaecologist and having cryotherapy to have it removed, it was mildly painful but nothing to worry about. 2 years later I started getting abnormal bleeding but told I was not allowed a smear test, like you I began to panic it was cervical cancer, so I decided to pay privately for a smear test (around £50) and it was clear, since then I’ve turned 25 and have my smear tests 3 yearly, which again have come back clear. If you are feeling really worried I would recommend paying privately for a smear rather than waiting, if nothing else it will reassure you as I’m sure you have nothing to worry about! Hope this helps put your mind at ease and good luck!