I keep feeling movements in my stomach and having a weird taste and putting weight on and feeling sick could I be pregnant
Am I pregnant : I keep feeling movements in... - Women's Health
Am I pregnant
Sorry but that is an odd question to ask on a forum, you need to buy a test to find out as nobody here can tell you one way or the other.
If you are pregnant and feeling movements you are quite a way on.
I was only asking a question
First movements are usually felt 18-20 weeks by which time you would have a fairly obvious pregnant bump plus bigger boobs, if you are pregnant and that far along you need to been seen by a midwife asap.
Well my boob is leaking and I keep feeling sick and feel like something is moving round in my stomach
A pregnancy test would be your best bet! Tests are pretty cheap these days, and the sooner you do one, the sooner you'll know for sure
You need to see a GP or women's health clinic as soon as you can.
Without being psychic, which is silly, nobody can answer your question. If you've had sexual intercourse & missed regular menstruation then you could be, or it might be a digestive or health disorder that's causing wind.
Have you had children before? If not your breasts leaking isn’t normal and would indicate pregnancy. Only way to know is to do a test. I always feel movements in my stomach. Having 2 children my mind plays tricks on me! So it could be that