So I started my period two weeks ago. The night it started I have severe cramps, so painful that I couldn’t fall asleep until 6am. Then when my period ended I continued to have cramps and intense pain in my pelvic area. Three days ago the pain was so unbearable I went to the ER. They found a cyst on my right side that was only 2 cm big. It’s my left side that has been killing me. It feels like a sharp pain in my left ovary side. The rest feels like there’s a brick over my womb. Lots of pressure and it feels raw and irritated. I’m actually in agony. They sent me home with pain pills and that helps but they make me want to throw up. I saw my OBGYN today and she was dumbfounded. I asked her if it’s Endometriosis and she said it could be but it doesn’t cause pain this severe. She told me it could be a GI Tract issue or painful bladder syndrome (I had tests to rule out something wrong with my bladder/urine). Does anyone have thoughts or have gone thru something like this? I’m at a loss...
My symptoms:
Needing to pee every hour.
Sex and tampons are painful.
Low back pain.
Chronic fatigue.
Kidney stones.
Feeling of pressure over entire pelvic area.
Left lower side of abdomen has a sharp pain.
Chronic migraines.