I just need advise : I suffer from really bad anxiety and also acne. I read that it plays hand in hand. I was just wondering if anyone could relate and has used any products to treat this problem that actually worked well for them. (My bad acne at the moment is located around my mouth, chin, and jaw line..)
Stress/Acne: I just need advise : I suffer... - Women's Health
I should also state that I am a 17 year old girl, who yet is still a teenager, I know, but this acne is far beyond any I have ever experienced in my years of being a teenager, so please think outside the box a little and not tell me something so vague (clean your face everyday, wear SPF etc..)
I’ve had this problem for 41 years, so it’s not just a teenage issue. I find two things cause a flare up for me, which is hormonal fluctuations, & eating something bad. Neither of these have anything to do with hygiene, though this is important, spots or not.
Try to eat a good diet free from processed foods, especially toxins like artificial sweeteners & margarine or processed oils. Make sure you have plenty of nutrients from fresh fruit & vegetables that are high in vitamin C. A little sunshine helps me, but only a little as my skin is fair & easily burned. The vitamin D produced by the action of sun on skin also helps I take D3, cholecalciferol, to make sure I have enough.
Avoid the type of skin products that are sold to prevent acne. They’re often very harsh on inflamed skin, & can have the opposite effect, I always found, of making my skin incredibly sore on top of spotty. Strong chemical products also caused peri-oral & peri-orbital dermatitis, which is as painful as unsightly.
I found some reasonably priced products that help. For washing with water, I like an oat based soap free wash bar. These cost £5, when they’re not on special offer, but last for months. There are two that I use, both made by French companies. Once or twice a week, I like to use a gentle exfoliating cleanser, or remove the oat wash with a muslin cloth which is slightly abrasive. If you try this, sure to wash the cloth after each use to avoid bacterial growth which can cause more spots. A soak in vinegar works. I’ve also made a scrub/face pack with ground oats & witch hazel. Try using something soothing frequently, with cotton wool such as rose water or witch hazel. It doesn’t have to be the expensive type. I use this with cotton wool at night time, sometimes during the day if my skin feels too greasy. I also like these in a spray bottle in summer as they’re soothing & refreshing.
I found the issue with my neck, shoulders, chest & upper arms improved once I made sure I rinsed hair conditioner with my head upside-down, so it didn’t contact my skin.
I rarely use moisturiser as it feels like I’ve put lard on my face. After I’ve scrubbed, my skin can feel sore, so I add a tiny amount whilst my face is still damp.
Whatever you do, don’t be tempted to take antibiotics. All these will do is compromise your immune system.
Hope that helps!
Wow, thank you so much for your awesome advice, i’ll be sure to try all of these things that you have so kindly suggested to me! Thanks for taking the time out of your day to help me out! Much appreciated! Bless you!
You’re more than welcome!
With regard to stress, have a go at gentle yoga or Qi Gong for breathing exercises. Breathe in as deep into your abdomen as you can, & then out slowly. Try to make your out breath twice as long as you in breath. This calms the nervous system, & tell your body you’re safe.
I drink kefir every day. This is extremely beneficial for digestion. I’ve read several articles linking good gut bacteria to good mental health, as well as general well-being. It’s also good for applying to skin, & use a little to moisten my oat face pack, & drinking it all.
On the bright side, try to remember your skin will look better when you’re older, & you won’t look as wrinkly as your peers that don’t have oily skin now.
You’re awesome! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Ordering the Oat soap, witch hazel, rose water, and looking into more of kefir! You’re so greatly appreciated!
Thank you for your kind words!
Apologies for the errors, I was using my phone. I hope you find the gentle approach helps you. It took a while & lots of trial & error to realise this. Kefir is an absolute marvel. I recommend it on other forums all the time. We have to nourish our bodies well for every aspect of our health.
The Yemoos website is good for information.
I'm borrowing this from a post I spotted yesterday: eiriu-eolas.org/2013/06/29/...