I’ve been taking antidepressant for about 3 years Zoloft 50 ml I am trying to wean off because I have come to a point in my life that I have the tools and as a Yoga Instructor I learned a lot on how to manage my depression. I am now more towards a holistic way and last time I wanted to see the Dr. I felt like they see you as a client and not as a patient I don’t want to depend on this medicine anymore. I feel like although I don’t struggle with overweight this medicine is contributing on my gain weight and I gained around 20 pounds in the last 3 years and I eat healthy and exercise.
Wean off Zoloft : I’ve been taking... - Women's Health
Wean off Zoloft

Hi there! I was on Zoloft for a few months , I was taking 100mgs a day. It was making me sick, so my doctor had me cut my dosage in half to 50mgs for a week, then 25mgs for another. It’s super important to not stop cold turkey, which it sounds like you already know lol. So if you start taking only 25mgs a day for about a week you’ll be okay. hope I helped a little
Thanks ! So do you think is good if I take 25 mg for a week and then what? Thank you !
Yeah that’s what I’m thinking you should do. I was on a higher dosage so I had to cut it down a few times. If you just have 50 mg tabs just cut em in half and take them for a week

And after the 1st week just stop them? Is that how you did
It ? Obviously we are all different lol I don’t want to suffer from withdrawals they are horrible
Yeah they’re definitely the worst. If you’re worried that you’re going to have withdrawals, you could even go as far as cutting the half 50mgs in half again so you have 25mgs and do that for a week. I ended up finding a different medication so I wanted to ensure I was weened completely off of Zoloft.

Thanks definitely going to do that !!
You've been on an anti depressant for 3 years - that's very different to a few months. If you want to wean off then you should only ever do this under the guidance of your doctor. Cutting your dosage in half unsupervised may be dangerous. Tell your dr you absolutely want to come off and what you're planning so he/she can flag up any dangers and they can provide support and advice.