As you can see in the picture my neck has swollen up a lot since the beginning of February!
The first picture was taken in January, the second picture was taken 2 weeks ago and the third picture was taken just then.
As you can see from the first picture you could see my jawline then in the last 2 you can’t see it at all! Also you can see that under my chin has swollen up so much since the first picture!
The swelling isn’t very sore (maybe a bit tender if you press on it but nothing drastic) it just mainly feels very uncomfortable! The only thing that makes the swelling go down is warm compresses but it doesn’t stay away forever it comes back after about 3-5 days.
My doctors are telling me my lymph nodes aren’t swollen so it can’t be that. They also said that they “think” that I have tonsillitis. But I’m leaning more towards thyroid problems because of the symptoms I’m getting.
Do you reckon this looks like swelling from tonsil problems or thyroid?
Plz someone let me know.