So I've been struggling with thrush since march 2017. It comes and goes. Worst thing is that it's usually without any symptoms I only have a slight discomfort feeling down there. I went to my GP several times with this, a nurse took a swab,always showed thrush and got treatment usually tablets&creams. Then my GP doc sent me to a sexual health clinic and they didn't even find thrush or anything else. After a few weeks I went back to the clinic because i had pain during urination sometimes and I thought that it's thrush but it wasn't. The nurse tested my urine and it was high in protein so she said it might be a bladder infection and it will go away on its own. After this I went back to my GP doc so maybe she will refer me to a gynaecologist because I had pain again during urination and had an odd sticky and thick yoghurt like discharge but she said that I shouldn't be worried since it's not itching but she still gave me the treatment for thrush which didn't work as usual. I don't know what to do now because I have a weird discharge now again and i have pain during urination; not always but occasionally.
Could anyone help me with some advice because I don't know what to do now?
I'm 18 and college starts soon again therefore I don't even have a lot of time now to waste it with my doctor as I'm working part time as well.
Any advice helps, thanks