Hi there
I live in Scotland and I am turing 20 next month. I am expecting my invitation by my doctor to get my first smear soon. The thing is that I am still a virgin and have had the HPV vaccine while at school which puts me in the low rick catagory for developing cervical cancer or abnormal changes. However I still want the smear test done.
Can who ever performs it refuse to do it because in a virgin?
To me even though i am low risk, there is still a risk of something being there, and I dont want to wait until later as they are putting the age up to 25 in Scotland next year. Plus over the last 2 years I have been having (TMI) lots of dicharge, some spotting from time to time, lower abdomen and pelvic pain, which is still undiagnosed and none of my doctors seem to care, so part of me want to have it in case it shows what could be causing this.