My bf love to have sex but he dont like to use condoms !!! Is there any other solution to control pregnancy ??????????? Nd he always get discharged inside me!! What can i do?????
My bf dont want to use condoms: My bf love to... - Women's Health
My bf dont want to use condoms
Refuse to have sex without protection. It's his responsibility as much as yours but you'll be holding the baby or having the abortion. You can get advice about different contraceptive methods from your GP or family planning clinic. Perhaps your boyf would consider a vasectomy.
I'd be very worried about a boyfriend who refused to act responsibly. Using condoms is always a common sense idea.
I notice that you are concerned about getting pregnant. I assume that this is something you, and your boyfriend, are not ready for. Having a baby takes TWO people - so does contraception. If your boyfriend is not yet ready to be a father, then it is sensible for him to think about ways of preventing this. The issue is NOT yours alone.
Yes, there ARE other forms of contraception, that may prevent an unwanted pregnancy. These include the Pill, the Coil, injections, and so forth. ALL are forms that rely on the WOMAN remembering to take a pill, or insert a coil. They do not ask the man to do anything.
THAT is part of the problem, it seems to me. YOUR boyfriend does NOT want to do anything. He wants to pass ALL the RESPONSIBILITY to you.
Perhaps it's time to have a talk with him about the future - explain your worry about getting unexpectedly pregnant, and ask him how he would feel if this happened. You need to find out if he would "man up" and help you look after a baby - or whether he would "do a runner". If it's "do a runner", then I really think you could do with finding a better boyfriend! If, however, he would stick by you, then it's clear that you have a stable, caring relationship. One in which you OUGHT TO BE ABLE TO DISCUSS THINGS.
My point is that relationships are about two people - and both should share responsibilities. If NEITHER of you is ready to have a baby yet, then you BOTH need to think about the ways in which you can prevent this.
The other thing to think about is that condoms DO NOT just prevent unwanted pregnancy. They help protect against STIs (things like chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc.). THESE are things you really do want to avoid just as much as an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. The Pill, and other forms of contraception like that, will NOT protect against STIs.
OK - if you're in a long term relationship, and you know that you and your boyfriend are both faithful, it's probably safe to consider other types of contraception. BUT, if it's a fairly new relationship, and you aren't sure of your boyfriend's history (or faithfulness) then condoms are your best bet.
Lots of women make mistakes, and end up with boyfriends who do not treat them with respect; and consequently mess up their lives. Now, I'm not saying your boyfriend is one of these - BUT now is perhaps a good time to have a sensible conversation, like two adults, about contraception. Before you end up in a difficult position.
Perhaps a visit to your G.P. or local Family Planning Centre, to get some leaflets on contraception - together if you can manage it - might be a good thing to do. The more you read up on pros and cons of different contraceptive methods - the more you can both make the right choice, as a couple.
All the best.