A reminder of our Guidelines - Weight Loss & Obe...

Weight Loss & Obesity India

8,182 members1,108 posts

A reminder of our Guidelines

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Hi everyone,

We at HealthUnlocked hope you are enjoying this community for weightloss that we recently started for India. The idea of this community is to share genuine information about weightloss, find help, and support each other.

According to our Guidelines, you are not permitted to post commercial information about your products, businesses, etc. This includes pushing personal contact information. We reserve the right to restrict accounts and edit your posts if we see you are breaking Guidelines.

Please use the "Report" button located next to content that you feel is breaking Guidelines. This is the best way to get in touch with us. Please provide a detailed explanation of what rule they are breaking so we can take necessary action right away.

These rules also apply to the HealthUnlocked private messaging, so if there is any spam going on there, please let us know immediately.

Here is a full copy of our Guidelines: weightlossindia.healthunloc...

We want this to be a safe and useful place for all those seeking information about weightloss, so please help us out in keeping it this way.

All the best,

Lora S.
