Hi folks,
O.K. I'm going to say something that sounds a bit odd here, but actually losing weight isn't hard at all.
The 'hard' bit is changing your habits. And that's really only hard at first, because after a while your new habits will become like old friends, they stop being new and are just what you usually do.
Losing weight is easy. We all know you could lose lots of weight in almost no time at all. You'd feel like death warmed up - (and not warmed very much!) - and would probably end up with gallstones and a few other medical problems ... but it's 'easy' to do!
This journey isn't really about just losing weight, it's about finding new and better habits about your eating and your activity/exercise. Those habits will stop you going around the diet-and-put-it-back-on-again cycle, because it's your old 'bad' habits that have made you overweight (perhaps repeatedly) and those will also continue to make you weightier unless you change them.
It's not the easiest pill to swallow, accepting that it was you (and me) and your (and my) way of doing things that made us overweight. But perhaps that's the point that matters.
Because, if you can make yourself overweight, then you can un-make yourself overweight, too.
You did it, you can un-do it.
This body weight thing is within your control, it's in your hands to change.
Good luck with your weight loss journeys.