Do we count our warm up as part of the amount of exercise we do?
Do we count our warm up as part of the amount of exercise we do?
Yes. The warm up involves raising your heart rate and warming your muscles up for more energetic activity.
I agree the warm up is essential, but I don't track it as exercise. In my mind I sort of class it as ADMIN time because I am waiting for my running app to locate a satelite plus I am getting my body ready for the run. I wish the warm-up will somehow eliminate that initial toxic five to 10 minutes of a run, but for me it never happens.
If your heart rate is raised and you're breathing faster then it is considered by health experts to be "moderate aerobic physical activity" so it does count towards your weekly target of 150mins of physical activity.
No single exercise will target flab around your tummy. Your body burns fat from different areas and you can't control that. The most effective exercises for burning fat are aerobic such as running, walking, swimming etc...
Yes: My warm-up is 15 mins on the hand bike machine.