Gained some weight need a weight loss pill recommendations that isnt a speed form. Pharmacy is rejecting it. Any recommendations, need to lose at least 35 pounds. Name of a weight loss pill that works that has low side effects that works? No injectables please.
Need help with a weight loss pill that... - Weight Loss Support
Need help with a weight loss pill that works no injections, that has lowest side effects that works??

Hi SunshineGrowth and welcome to our weight loss support forum.
We are not medically qualified so we cannot recommend any weight loss medications.
We can, however, invite you to join in with our Daily Diary where our members share their daily food plans.
This is the link to our pinned posts where you will find everything that we have to offer.

Hi SunshineGrowth, I think if there was such a thing as a quick fix magic pill we’d all be taking it and the weight loss forum here would not exist. The good news is that with help and support on this website I did finally manage to lose weight I had carried for decades. Something I’d not heard of before - LCHF meant I changed my idea of what was healthy food (I’d previously followed a low fat but high sugar diet ). I also found a video series by Dr Robert Lustig “The Skinny on Obesity” an eye opener as to how the weight had been gained in the first place (not by overeating). A magic pill would only work short term against the enemy to weight loss that constantly surrounds us all in every high street. I highly recommend watching those videos.
If I knew that I would be a multi millionaire but maybe damaging peoples health as my opinion is that this is a lifetime lifestyle not governed by drugs or injections as now I am getting older I am trying to focus on what I can’t see -the long term health of internal organs so I am simply eating 3 meals a day , no snacks , no food after 7pm except on socials , watching portion sizes and looking at ingredients/mainly fresh med type stuff but the odd quick add on which I just think if I don’t know what it is I hesitate before it’s in the trolley but hey - enjoy Xmas . I wouldn’t kid myself with any pills . Money would be spent on a couple of hours with a nutritionist getting personal eating plan and a gym membership with just the basics from a PT .
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sadly we would all like this! I think sometimes; looking a what and why we consume is likely to give greater help. Losing weight is jolly hard work. Even having the fat sucked out is not really helpful because the friend I know who did it just put it all back on!
No magic just hard graft. Why don’t you join one of our weight loss groups where we support one another?
I’ve lost 2 stone exercise and eating less re-educating myself and learning why I miserly ate; but it’s worked.