hi. I have lost 9 stone over the past three years fasting twice a week but I did a longer fast 36 hours a month or so ago and this seemed to trigger me over eating and binging. I cant seem to stop. Any advice welcome re how to manage this so I dont pile all the weight I have lost back on again.
Help! Cant stop eating: hi. I have lost... - Weight Loss Support
Help! Cant stop eating

You have done so well, so don't get into a panic, take a deep breath and plan your next steps.
Start from here and now, and plan your meals for today. Look in the cupboards and the fridge and do an outline plan for the next few days. Do you need to do any shopping or have you got enough in? Remember, food is about nutrition; you need balance and variety.
I see you're on the Thyroid UK forum: is your thyroid condition optimally managed?
I'd also say (as for all of us) learn from the past: that 36 hour fast didn't do you any good, did it? Maybe it works for some, but it wasn't right for you so remind yourself if you think of going down that route again.
All the best
Thank you. I have decided to stop fasting althogether for now. it seems worse after a day of fasting. I will make a plan as you suggest. Shopping arrives today. I eat well, no sugar or processed food.
Thank you. I now have a plan. 3 moderate meals a day, planned before breakfast. No refined sugar, Fruit allowed as snacks. If I deviate from the plan or want to deviate I must say two units of prayer.( I think that will help me gather myself and put myself back on track. All was good after breakfast yesterday and all seems well today. thank you again for your help.

Some great suggestions -I would just add make sure what you’re eating is satisfying, full fat versions of foods like yogurts, and snacks of nuts for example. But after 3 years and an amazing life changing weightloss you probably know all that already.
Thank you. I don't eat anything that says low fat on it or diet.
I’m sorry to jump on your post, but why don’t you eat anything that says low fat or diet?
This is new to me as the diet I’ve done before is all about fat free and diet.
Hello Patsy52, and welcome to the Weight Loss Support forum.
Members here follow a number of different weight loss strategies, including low carb, healthy fat for example which has been shown to assist in reversing diabetes or pre diabetes.
Others prefer to avoid ultra processed foods.
Often other ingredients are added to fat free/low fat meals by manufacturers to make them more palatable, such as sugar salt, thickeners and flour which add calories.
If you’re on your own weight loss journey, let us know and we can provide links to the different groups in the forum.
Best wishes 😊
I usually follow slimming world, but honestly just yo-yo.
Myself and my husband are trying now for the umpteenth time. We both have 3 stone ish to loose.
I would absolutely be grateful for any recommendations to support on the forum.
I have also reached out to our GP service and have a specific appointment next week (something I’ve never done before)
Slimming world is unscientific, If anyone looses weight it's luck or starvation which is unsustainable. Any commercial slimming program has an incentive not to solve the problem or they'd loose all their customers.
Blood sugar affects the hunger and sateity hormones so without addressing blood sugar you won't solve over eating. Fructose also drives hunger and it makes up 50% of table sugar and around 55% of fruit sugar therefore you should avoid table sugar completely and avoid oversweet commercial varieties of fruit like seedless grapes an oversweet apples (best to stick to berries). Blood sugar causes insulin to rise which drives fat building and starch is just a bundle of loosely bonded glucose molecules which raises blood sugar so contributes to weight gainso you need to restrict or cut out starchy foods like bread cakes, biscuits, pasta, rice and potatoes.
I use sweetners not table sugar
I eat fat free if it’s an option
Portion sizes are not big but a meal always includes carbs.
But it’s the snacking that’s the problem!
But it hasn’t worked or I wouldn’t be yo-yoing. We follow it for a couple of months and then I just loose the plot!
Carbs all metabolize into glucose or fructose so although you are using sweeteners by eating carbs you are eating stuff which turn into sugar in your digestive system. You need to replace your energy source with healthy fat instead of carbs. Low fat is an out of date, unscientific idea from the 1970s which has long since been debunked.
Hi Patsy52
Good luck with the GP appointment.
We’re a very supportive forum and hopefully you’ll find a way forward for each of you. We’re all different, and that’s what’s great about it here too, there are lots of things to try .
I’ve posted the link to all the groups below. You might find the Daily Diary particularly useful as this is where we post our plans and our menus for the day.
The Weigh In helps people keep track of how they’re doing, and is very supportive.
There are also regular challenges, recipes and even a book group!
Have a look and if there are any questions just ask. Otherwise just join in 😊
Good luck and see you around on the forum
Can I just ask if there is an app for the site or is it just browser access?
Hi Patsy52, it's just the website.
There is an NHS Weight Loss Plan app that some members use, especially as a kick start to weight loss. It's a 12 week diet and weight loss plan. I used it to start my journey and go back to it now and then. I've found it works well alongside the support of the forum.
fat free leaves people ever so hungry and unsatisfied. Most fats are good for you, olive oil, butter, full fat milk, full of vitamins and omega 3s. Weight loss might be slower( maybe) but it is sustainable long term.
A totally different way of thinking then. On the diet I have followed on and off for years it was all about fat free. Having said that I’ve yo-yoed for years so something has to change.
It’s knowing what to change too

Hello Hectorsmum2, I totally understand you because I myself seemingly want to eat all day long when I stay at home on some days. When that happens, I allow myself to indulge a little bit. Fortunately, it usually goes 1 to 3 days as a max, then I'll be able to come back on the right track.
Most of my diet is made of veggies, nuts, avocados and fruit while I do exercise regularly. But, it just happens. My assumption is it happens when my diet might be lack of protein and fat, or lack of varieties so that I eat to meet my either biological or psychological needs. Also, I would get it when I crave for some food or dish (usually it's high carb food) to avoid binging eating later on. Just my bit input hope it helps.
Hi and welcome, ToneUp
Thanks for stepping in to support another member.
You haven't said whether you're on a weight loss journey yourself, but let me know if you are and I'll give you more information about our forum