Hello, so today I had someone else make me a coffee and I noticed she used way too much honey. Apart from the fact that it was super sweet, I measured the amount I saw and it was about 1/2 a cup of honey WHICH IS 500 CALORIES. I usually eat a big breakfast, the eggs and rice crackers I had were probably 400 calories so now I basically can’t eat anything for the rest of the day because I need to stay in my calorie deficit and I drank a stupid 500 calorie iced “coffee”. I don’t know what to do, I tried vomiting but I can’t bring myself to do that and I’m super stressed. I understand one day of overeating won’t do anything but my macros for today are over 50% sugar and idk how I feel about that. Any tips? What should I do? Should I ever really stress about this? I’m planning to just not eat anything for the rest of the day, but it’s still morning and I’m already hungry. This sounds so stupid but I’m genuinely super stressed and I don’t want to be set back on the months I put into my physique, which is still not very good in my opinion.
Tips about a bad day (super stressed) - Weight Loss Support
Tips about a bad day (super stressed)

Hi CF.
You're at the very low end of the healthy weight range so I wouldn't worry about it. If you're wanting to stay healthy, I'd suggest you look at your diet overall. The rice crackers, along with the sweet drink, will have rapidly boosted your sugar levels and probably led to you now feeling hungry.
Last time you were here, it was suggested you join the Thyroid UK forum healthunlocked.com/thyroiduk Why not head over there now?
Hello, I joined and thanks for the info. I was wondering if you think I should eat something specific or just not eat anything, also should I do more exercise today than normal? My goal is just minimizing the possible weight gain from the surplus of sugar.
I don't think you need to get hung up over one day 😊 Eat, if you're hungry, and make a plan for tomorrow: that way, you'll avoid those sugars that you want to cut out.
On the subject of sugars, you may find these infographics useful when you're planning your meals: they show the sugar equivalent in things like cereals, bread etc.