My first day didn't go as planned. Or my second or third. But I finally got hold of myself yesterday. It was a good day all around. Got in my 10,000 steps, did a little exercise. Had my overnight oats for breakfast, mixed salad with chicken for lunch, salmon for dinner. I was more conscious of my water intake and in the evening (which is my most challenging time) I had a cup of tea and later counted out mini crackers to a portion. Considering I baked muffins and made dipped pretzels yesterday too and wasn't tempted, I think I did extremely well.
Today, I've volunteered to be a server for Thanksgiving dinner at the local senior center and will be getting ready to go in a couple of hours. Keeping busy is really important for me.
I miss being away for winter to a warmer area... but it was my choice to stay home this year. I am trying to make plans for next year, though. I miss being able to be outside most of the day, taking long walks a couple of times a day (though I bundle up to walk now). I do go to exercise classes twice a week and am looking for a third for Fridays.
I'm trying to stay positive and do good things for me,