It is never too late.....: Some of you... - Weight Loss Support

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It is never too late.....

DartmoorDumpling profile image
DartmoorDumplingRestart Feb 2024
13 Replies

Some of you may remember, from my posts last year, that my mother aged 86 moved down to live with me after a bout of ill health. She was convinced she was at the end of her days as her doctor had told her a heart op would give her "another 10 years" and that was 10 years ago. (Wish doctors wouldn't do that)!

Well, you will be pleased to hear that she decided her time was not yet up! After a few months living with me, feeling much stronger and finding life rather dull, she found herself a flat in the nearest town and moved out again!

She joined the local church, a bridge club, a knitting group, a lunch group...and met a gentleman friend (aged 92) with whom she now spends much of her time travelling on the buses making the most of her free bus pass.

She is very aware of what she eats; she lost a lot of weight some 20 years ago and knows her diet is key to her current good health. She lives amongst people who use zimmer frames and mobility scooters...and knows that what she eats is why she is still able to walk into town every day, with sound knees and hips! She does buy her dark chocolate as she believes that helps to prevent Alzheimers, but only eats a couple of squares a day.

What's more, her devoted friend, who is also slim and lively (for 92), is told he is not to eat the pastry edges when they have a pasty, nor the bread and butter when they have fish and chips....she intends to keep them both fit for as long as it is possible. She is a wonderful example to me of how sensible meal planning and a positive attitude to life can make all the difference!

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DartmoorDumpling profile image
Restart Feb 2024
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13 Replies
Active_43 profile image

Just love this!

IndigoBlue61 profile image

What a lovely post DartmoorDumpling 😊. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, your Mum is an inspiration to us all

I’m delighted to hear she has decided to ‘live’ life a little longer, has moved out and found a gentleman friend! How lovely 😊

I hope you are well and looking forward to a few quieter days at the end of the B&B season?

Best wishes


DartmoorDumpling profile image
DartmoorDumplingRestart Feb 2024 in reply to IndigoBlue61

I am keeping well - planning for my retirement (well...semi-retirement) next year hopefully if all goes well. Things have quietened down a little for the winter months so have time to breath!

wa2un7 profile image

That is fantastic news. I well remember when you were preparing for mum moving in. Long may she go on enjoying life and the companionship of her friend.🤗

VickyDLM profile image
VickyDLM2 stone

Hi DD, that's fantastic that your Mom's getting on with living again! :) I wish your mom could give lessons to my mother-in-law, but I doubt she'd listen! :P

Your story made me smile and kind of reminds me of my maternal grandpa (he's 86 and also has a lady friend!). :D

Tiggerr profile image

That's a great story and a strong reminder why we need to give ourselves the best chance.

Well done to you and your mum.

She's an inspiration and motivation to get up and keep moving!! Good for her.

elliebath profile image

What a fantastic outcome for your mum and for you. To still have your mum at this age is something in itself, but especially to have her with such joie de vivre. Hope I'll be like her in my eighties!

Ceals profile image

What a fabulous story DartmoorDumpling really warmed the cockles of my heart and a great lesson for all of us.

lucigret profile image

Love this post DD, I can feel how proud you are of your Mum and rightly so😄

Beechnuts profile image

Wow what determined mum.

My mum didn’t have a particularly good diet and when a heath visitor told her she should eat more veg, mum nearly through her out. She wasn’t going to be told by anyone .mum was 97 when she died.

Cockneyblue profile image
Cockneyblue2lbsRestart Jan 2024

As usual DD, you give a gripping, cheerful and totally absorbing story. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I remember your Mum moving in with you and have no doubt that your love and care has helped her to where she is now. All credit to you. Well done DD’s Mum also, I hope she has a great life. Love to you all 👍

Pamed profile image

Brilliant how lovely for her x

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