Hi all I am only on day 3 but has the title says I have never felt better. I use my fitness pal and don't worry to much on the calories listed there as it is lower than my bmr and nhs calorie intake so I stay within that limit. I'm waking up having breakfast and eating dinner now in which I usually only have 1 meal a day. I did an intense workout on Monday and still suffering doms so did a easier work out this morning to stretch out my sore muscles. I'm eating fruit, not being too strict and will allow my self 1 chocolate bar a day if I'm still within my calorie limit and I find that really helps as it doesn't feel like a chore than. My husband was shocked this morning when I started my exercise routine as I only usually last one day haha, I have already lost a little. I have found this site a fantastic motivational tool and I can first time officially say that I can not wait to push on
only day 3 but I have never felt better - Weight Loss Support
only day 3 but I have never felt better

That's all sounding really positive, Sarah, well done you!
Keep up the great work!
Go, go, go girl! I'm feeling the positive energy you transmit. Right behind you !
Brilliant to hear your good news 19sarah87 and you are so right that the forum is just so good and so supportive. Sounds like you have worked out how to make a lifestyle change that is sustainable for you. Imagine what your husband will think when you are on day 30!
I think MyFitnessPal pal is great, I also link it to MapMyWalk so that it tells me how many calories I have ”earned" through walking-not that I ever add them to my eating or it would defeat the point.
Enjoy your journey, make it fun and keep visiting the forum.
Good luck.
Hi Sarah, if I hadn't known better I would have thought I'd written that 8 weeks ago (apart from the exercise). Taking control of your life is so empowering and your joy is shining through.
All the best, you're doing brilliantly.