I saw my coach again and it was interesting he seems to be telling me that running which is what I like on the treadmill and running in real life actually is a very difficult way of burning calories you do burn, but not as much as you would do if you are doing resistance machines and weights. I've stayed away from weight up until now as I do my look like Arnold Schwarzenegger! but actually he was telling me that now that I'm losing fat and the space has been filled with muscle my weight on the scales is going to be highly unreliable I should go buy what clothes actually fit me and how they look like the other thing he said was that eating a normal healthy diet.
Gone are the days of these crazy rocky style keep fit people when they consume raw eggs and chicken and all sorts of crazy ways - protein powders, etc.m to keep it just a normal healthy diet.
He didn't say anything to change my workout, but actually now that I'm reaching a certain age as a lady and as you get close to menopausal age you can actually use bone density and actually by resistance training or strengthening in your bones protecting them against any fractures if you go through the menopause you can actually fracture.
I still like cardiovascular though I thought it was very interesting speaking to my coach you can see normally pushes me a bit further , by the way he used to be a power lifter and he used to lift tow truck!
Do you think I should take advice from a coach that used to weigh 27 stone and was a power lifter?
What is your experience of coaches been?