I need to loose some weight. I am size 18 and carry a lot of weight around my tummy. all tips and advice is much appreciated.
Hi All: I need to loose some weight. I... - Weight Loss Support
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Hello Mini23 and welcome aboard
You'll see loads of different approaches that members find helpful.
The Daily Diary is where we post our meal plans for the coming day. We have a weigh in post: choose a day and post there weekly. There's Fit is Fun, Spingers Specials (more meal ideas) and other posts for you to join in with. You'll find them listed here healthunlocked.com/weight-l... with a Welcome Newbies post at the top.
Everyone will be happy to answer your questions about how it's going for them. This forum works best when members chat, share ideas and encourage each other so I hope that works for you, too.
thank you so much for your support and i am looking forward to joining you on this weight loss journey.
Where do i find the weigh in
If you click on the blue link I've given you, you'll come to a list of posts, starting with Welcome Newbies. The third on the list is the weigh in.
You need to click on the header, read the post, which explains what to do, then write in the box that says, Reply to Clematisa1, Add a comment here (Clematisa's the weigh in host this week). DON'T click on Write as that will mean you're writing a new post, like this one that you wrote. You need to Reply on the weigh in post.
Then please take a few minutes to read what others have been posting there and give a few words of encouragements - it's always appreciated

Hi . You are a similar age to me .I am trying now to maintain my weight loss but after surgery I have noticed how important exercise is even if it is walking or a light swim . I am eating the same but weight is creeping . Just watch portion sizes and think if I don’t buy it I can’t eat it . Aim for unprocessed foods and plan 3 decent meals a day . Sip fruit tea and plenty of water . Sugar cravings at night initially try a low cal hot choc drink . If you go out for a walk then you can’t eat . Join a waking group as there are plenty of interesting people who won’t talk food 24/7 as any slimming club will . I would walk before your meals - maybe prep beforehand so you won’t graze snack on your return but I have found age 62 that just eating more mindfully is great but to really shed weight and keep it off - feeling better too then exercise will get all those positive endorphins working . Good luck 🤞

If the weight is primarilly around the tummy then it could be inflammation as well as fat as in a drinker's beer belly but caused predominantly by wheat and refined seed oils rather than alcohol.