Intermittent fasting.: Will intermittent... - Weight Loss Support

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Intermittent fasting.

crofter21 profile image
25 Replies

Will intermittent fasting help to prevent type 2 diabetes? I’ve been told I’m at high risk of becoming a diabetic, and need to lose weight. My BMI is 26.3 and I exercise at least 60 minutes 6 days a week.

I am trying 14/10 to see if this helps, but would welcome comments, from anyone who has tried this.

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crofter21 profile image
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25 Replies
BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone

Good morning and welcome, crofter21 :)

Yes, you will find members here who can say that intermittent fasting has helped them with weight loss but it's worth thinking further about this. Diabetes is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, so the emphasis needs to be on what you eat rather then how much or when. With a BMI of 26.3, you are overweight but not hugely: it wouldn't take long for you to get into the "healthy BMI" range but that in itself is not likely to have much impact on your diabetes risk.

This is a guide that a GP has used successfully with patients to reverse their diabetes - all based on real food.

You'll find useful information here - low carb eating and intermittent fasting feature on the home page.

I hope that gets you started. There is a lot to support you here - weigh in, meal planning on the daily diary and much more. You'll find a list of all activities by following this link to Pinned Posts

Have a good look around and join in as much as you can - it will pay off for you :)

crofter21 profile image
crofter21 in reply to BridgeGirl

Many thanks, I’ll look into it. All I was offered through the NHS referral was an online WW membership, which I wasn’t interest in signing up for.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to crofter21

And that wouldn't take you down the best route: WW isn't about carb reduction.

This is the post immediately before yours: you may find it interesting

Londoncalling007 profile image
Londoncalling007 in reply to BridgeGirl

I disagree, I lost 4 stone on Weight Watcher and they can be very much about low carb. Carbs come with quite a high points value on WW so are restricted but not removed from the diet. A very sensible way for us diabetics to live.

They also have special plans for diabetics which are well worth a look and definitely not faddy.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to Londoncalling007

That's a great result and good to hear how well it worked for you :)

WW is a version of calorie counting so that's what my comment was based on. Good to hear about their plans for diabetics.

I should also say I have concerns about the NHS referring people to commercial companies when they have wonderful people in their midst like GP Dr David Unwin. He has had huge success with his patients with dietary guidance, at the same time significantly reducing the drug bill in his surgery.

Miss-guineapig profile image
Miss-guineapig in reply to BridgeGirl

Goodness, I retiried last year from the NHS and I have never heard that people were being referred to commercial companies. Plus there would be a cost to people. Such a different world thats for sure x

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to Miss-guineapig

Not good, is it?

Miss-guineapig profile image
Miss-guineapig in reply to BridgeGirl

In our area we have excellent dieticians and my GP certainly takes time to explain all health issue….I do know what to do….but it’s motivation, back to walking, habit changing I have work on🤞But I am in a good mind set at the moment. Thank you for the resources and the information on here everyone x

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to Miss-guineapig

You're welcome :)

Motivation means our reasons for doing something. Maybe take a few minutes to remind yourself, write them down somewhere and then come back to them if ever you're flagging :)

Freesia3 profile image
Freesia3 in reply to BridgeGirl

My motivation in my younger days was pure vanity but now my main reason is health. I used to yo-yo diet by counting calories and a low fat diet (hence the yo-yoing because it was boring and not very interesting).I am now doing LCHF and find it much easier and more satisfying.

On the subject of bread, I allow myself one slice of granary bread daily, toasted with a nice low carb topping because a sandwich with filling needs two slices. Losing weight without hunger! 😊

P.S. I have just calculated my BMI on the NHS calculator and was told to lose a stone by counting calories.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to Freesia3

Hi Freesia, we haven't seen you around for a while but it sounds like things are going well for you :)

Freesia3 profile image
Freesia3 in reply to BridgeGirl

Yes thank you. I got out of the habit for a while and put on quite a bit of weight during the pandemic by being bored and my only hobby being food, mainly the sugary starchy kind 😏. But I am now back and will hopefully lose the weight I put on. I love this great helpful forum so I’m pretty confident that I will 😊

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to Freesia3

That's good :)

I'll give you a restart badge and here's the link to Pinned Posts where you'll find the weigh in, daily diary and everything else on offer. Have a look through all the posts and join in when you're ready :)

Freesia3 profile image
Freesia3 in reply to BridgeGirl

Thank you!

Gizmocat profile image
GizmocatModerator13kgMaintainer in reply to Miss-guineapig

A health scare is a good motivator. It was a wake up call for me due to family history. A special event such as a holiday or family celebration is something to aim for or a favourite item of clothing you would like to fit into again.

You could set yourself a mini goal say 7lb and give yourself a treat when you reach it and then aim for the next mini goal. Coming here and chatting and reporting your success is a great motivator too!

crofter21 profile image
crofter21 in reply to Miss-guineapig

You’re very lucky to have such a good GP, and services, not many people have that these days.

Miss-guineapig profile image
Miss-guineapig in reply to crofter21

Yes crofter you are right. We live in Perthshire Scotland. Hope you are well x

Gizmocat profile image
GizmocatModerator13kgMaintainer in reply to crofter21

I was offered that too when I started in 2018 as I was prediabetic. I didn't bother with it either. You have lots of useful information here. Do read the links BridgeGirl has given you.

The most important thing is to cut down on carbs particularly white carbs including bread, potatoes, rice and pasta. The Diet doctor website is very useful and has lots of information and recipes and a two week plan to get you started. I also found Michael Moseleys books very useful for information and there are recipe book to go with them.

I have been following Low Carb Healthy fats (LCHF) since I first heard about here although in a more relaxed way now and it does work. I have lost 18kg and am maintaining and my blood sugars are normal. It can lead to intermittent fasting as you might find you are less hungry and only want two meals a day. You can work out a fasting window which works for you but start by cutting out the white carbs and go from there.

If you have any questions just ask. You can do this!

Miss-guineapig profile image

I am pre diabetic too, I lose weight if i strictly follow and use the NHS weight loss App. Re intermittent fasting I eat over an 8 hr window , usually 10am to 6pm then fast for 16hrs.i drink water when fasting. My BMI is 29, but getting there. 19-25 is fine, so I am aiming for 24/25. Wishing you the best of luck xx

Gizmocat profile image
GizmocatModerator13kgMaintainer in reply to Miss-guineapig

It's great that intermittent fasting is working for you. You might like to read the links above for more information. Hopefully you have an informed GP but sadly some are not.

Keep up the good work and if want any further information just ask.

Miss-guineapig profile image
Miss-guineapig in reply to Gizmocat

Thank you so much Gizmo, I will definately read the info. X

redstar9 profile image

It definitely helps you lose weight in combo with cutting carbs. I have only been doing it for a week but have already made a good start. Starting weight was 11st 4lb. Down to 10st 10lb in one week. I eat between 2pm and 10pm. I have been drinking only water, green tea or herbal tea outside of these times. I have found that I am less hungry and sleeping better. I am also only wanting 2 meals instead of 3 per day and not needing to snack. I have cut out all sugar, pasta, crisps, biscuits and pastry. I have allowed myself a small amount of potato with meals twice this week. I have been having a large 2 egg omlette with cheese and ham for brunch at 2 plus evening meal of meat and veg or salad. Hope this helps

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to redstar9

Hi and welcome, redstar9 :)

Well done for getting off to such a flying start, you've obviously found what works for you :)

All of the information you need about the forum can be found in Pinned Posts and we hope you'll be joining all the Events, Challenges and Clubs that we run, especially the weigh-in and daily diary.

We've found active participation to be key to successful weight loss and, of course, it's a good way to get to know people, find inspiration and share support and encouragement.

Wishing you all the best :)

2stoneup profile image

Hi there,I think it was Dr Michael Moseley who put himself on an intermittent fasting diet when he was pre-diabetic. Might be worth taking a look at his book.

Good luck with whatever you decide on. 🙂

crofter21 profile image
crofter21 in reply to 2stoneup

Thanks very much I’ll give it a look.

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