Eat more & lose more: - Weight Loss Support
Eat more & lose more

I'm afraid that is ill informed. If you just think of calories as calories without separating calories provided by carbohydrates from calories provided by fats, the information is almost worthless.
No no no! has just made it simple and easy for general public to quickly pick foods which are more fulfilling and last longer. There is nothing wrong with this info and I have double checked it for u and everybody that it is worth it.
There are diets and ways to diet without counting calories all the time. If u understand the concepts of satiety index and energy dense foods clearly then your confusion will be resolved. I hope the following science and research based sites and articles should help. See your self:
Yes, yes, yes, The article makes out that you must reduce calories to lose weight which is a fallacy.
Dear Eryl
It's not a power struggle between u and me. I am not saying that it's my discovery or research or my expertise. Because I accept the concept of life long learning. Nobody is perfect until they meet God (until death come). It's what these authentic bodies like nih and mayoclinic have on their websites. There r many others in agreement with them.
Be open minded and respect other's point of view. Never personalize. U r in command to do what u understand and what u have learnt.