Hi everyone, new here.
I have been struggling with weight loss for years, due to some medical conditions.
I have an eating disorder which I have had since I was young, which means my diet is very very restricted - I don’t eat meat, fruit and barely any veg. It a very complicated but I could list all the foods I eat on two hands essentially.
Exercise is very hard due to having a heart condition which causes me to faint if my heart rate rises over a certain number. I have some dumbbells at home but not the faintest how to use them.
I also have endometriosis and pcos which causes my weight to fluctuate a lot, this i understand however isn’t really under my control.
Basically I just wondered if by some miracle someone was out there who could help me, and not just tell me “try some new food and go for a run”. I don’t have the money to hire a PT or have a gym membership but I really need someone to sit down with me and tell me how I can lose weight.
Ive been to the doctors several times and they just laugh and scoff at me and tell me to try new foods - I try to try new foods but I physically can’t because of this issue.
Can anyone help? Please don’t ridicule me, ive absolutely hit rock bottom