Hello all
I have decided to take a week out from endlessly worrying about my weight. I am frying big fish here and had no idea how this operation was going to take it out of me not just physically but emotionally and mentally too. I mean, my friends, I just had no idea! I will be back next week hopefully refreshed in my mind - we all know stress releases cortisol- and in less pain in my body! I am eating pretty weirdly because not all of it is made by me, which is unusual. But I am resisting the obvious no go's. You can't drink on my meds now anyway. I aim to be back on Sunday. Then hopefully I can start recharged. I can't tell you what it means to me to have new friends who knew me from the start as who I really am .
I'm fine, I hope you're fine too, tell me how you are...
with smiles and positive thoughts
Bobette xx