Hope you are all doing well. How are you feeling? We are now half way through the year, what are your plans to keep on with your maintaining? Are you managing to stay within your plan? Are you changing things up a bit for the summer?
By the way, the lady represents balance, how do you keep things in balance?
Looking forward to a chatty July, 🙂
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Hi now back in my Maintenance zone 85 kg and below can come back in the club. I find i still have the problem of a bad day maybe once a week which is frustrating think just need to be sensible with the sweet treats.
Feel so much better at this weight more energy for sure. Actually started a couch to 5 k this week I usually walk 4 miles a day but wanna try some run.
Yesterday was run 2 and achieved a 5mph walk and 7.5 hill and run at 7.5 mph and 5% hill. Been doing on a treadmill at gym as had ACL knee surgery 18 months ago so find it easier than running along on roads.
So far ok did my second one in week one yesterday and did good but knew would probably have trouble doing 3rd this week so did it today felt bit harder but got through it. I think its treats in small amounts without going off the rails.
Congratulations on getting back on track- my nemesis is usually large packs of crisps though occasionally wine gums are an issue! I am having another crisp free month this month. Got towards the end of June before I give in with a 2 small handfuls of communal crisps in the staff room . However I left some for others- usually once I start I can’t stop😂
I know I hope it continues- I have managed 3 months being crisps free. I did buy a bag of smoked money nuts when the craving got bad- thought it would be a good alternative but since I finished the bag in one sitting then I don't think that is a good alternative
Couch to 5 k is something that I keep thinking about.. I used to run quite a bit more than ten years ago, and used to love it. But then I got it and stopped, then my weight started to pile on and the running became history. But today I had to go for an early appointment, which made me a bit late for work, so instead of walking I decided to run part of the way. It felt easy and I wasn't even particularly out of breath, I was so surprised
I just joined the site, having reached my target weight a few weeks ago. I use couch to 5k as well. I thinks it's brilliant in getting people into running. I'm in week 7. Good luck with it.
Hi BeatrixPotter and welcome to this amazing forum. Well done in achieving your target weight, for finding our Maintainers thread and joining straight in. We have a Fit is Fun thread you might be interested to join too. All threads can be found under pinned posts, see link below.
I would suggest you spend some time clicking about to find your way around. It's easier if you have a lap-top as there are several threads. If you’re using another device I strongly suggest that you use the web page as opposed to the app at least until you know your way around.
Although you have reached your target weight, you may like to join and contribute to the Daily Diary and participate in a Weekly Weigh in.. Lots of maintainers do so to stay accountable and pick up tips on maintaining.
Hi there Bee-bop, thanks for posting. My June went fine, still maintaining. But I’d prefer to be a bit more steady rather than overeating on social occasions then having to be diety for a bit. Am about to have 4 nights at my mum’s and just being in someone else’s house, cooking for her, having her cook for me, gets me all over-excited about food! So my aim for July is to slow right down, enjoy every mouthful, enjoy the occasional glass of wine and sweet treat but just not go overboard! Look forward to seeing how everyone is getting on.
That Sounds a good plan for your July! Excited about food and enjoying every mouthful is the way to go with a few treats along the way. Have a lovely July 🙂
Yes I would also like to be a bit more steady about food - I also get a bit overexcited by social occasions and eat and drink too much, followed by very strict control for a couple of days.
It is a bigger problem now so much more is happening-I lost all my weight during lockdown so need to learn to live in a more normal world and not put it back on!
Good luck for July and for your stay with your mum. I like the idea of savouring every mouthful-more mindful eating 😊
Hello Like walkthisway, I lost my weight during lockdown isolation and now have to learn to find that balance point of enjoying life, food and drink without falling and piling on the weight again. I’m hoping that by reminding myself of that, I’m keeping it at the fore of my thoughts. Last weekend, family came to stay- a few drinks and made some chocolate cake for the children- result was I gained a few pounds. ‘C’est la vie’ but now trying to be careful.
I hope that I can keep to my First Lockdown habit of really enjoying super-healthy food...but without the anxiety! Nothing like a terrifying new disease ripping round the world to put me off overeating. I know that for some people it was the opposite but I tend to eat less when I’m anxious or excited, more when I’m bored...or celebrating! So I think maybe the boredom eating is my brain trying to create some celebratory excitement!
I did a lot of baking- lemon drizzle cake, scones, plain, fruit and cheese, brownies, all sorts of flapjacks and Italian almond biscuits by the dozen- in the first lockdown. That resulted in me being 13st 3lbs! So, I ate more healthily after that and became a lockdown loser.I eat well in company and have a social drink or two and that is fine. Put on a few pounds, OK but it is then turning it around before the creep becomes a landslide!
Yes, and before our bodies start to need the sugar-rush again. When I’m eating well I can’t really believe that I was once eating a brownie the size of my head every day. Once I’m back in the habit it seems impossible not to.
I agree with the sugar-rush thing. When I was making the chocolate cake, the sweet smell was so lovely. Once I had made the topping too and cut the cake, well who could resist? Not me for one.
But I think it’s fine that it’s lovely and when I’m in a good place I can bake a fantastic cake and just have the occasional piece. I’m more talking about when my body gets used to a sugar-slump/sugar-high pattern and I end up wanting it every day. And that can sort of creep up on me...
I do have a big head and I would have eaten anything the size of my head I still eat big portions, that makes me feel full and less anxious, but I make sure to fit into my calorie range and eating window. That's why two meals or even one meal a day suits me so well.
That’s the right mentality I think. If I feel like a cake or something I will bake it and take it into work and allow myself 1 slice and I usually cut the cake into 16 rather than 8 do more staff can have a slice and less calories for me!
In the first lockdown I lived on blueberries and kale! Anything that anyone said was good for the immune system, I was terrified! Then come the summer when everyone else went on a diet and I started piling it on.
But your weight was stable during the first lockdown? Besides all the cakes etc, I did eat really well with lots of fruit, live yogurt and veg to promote a good immune response. I baked to keep happy and enjoyed eating it all!
I lost loads during the first lockdown, mostly out of anxiety (and all the kale...). I got down to less than what I like to be. I'm a pear-shape so I looked pretty gaunt. Then that first summer when it all loosened up a bit I went nuts - Eat Out to Help Out? I certainly did... By Christmas I was a stone over my maintenance weight and it took me til June to lose it!
that's the point - being mindful and aware. and balancing things back out if something got a bit over to one side. It's likely for a lot of 'balance' related pictures to appear on maintainers club threads
Well I hope you don’t tend to watch the England match on Saturday since you could go either way😂 I’m on nights so I’m hoping the Drs will get all the jobs done before kick off. Though should be a quiet night for emergencies though until after the match😃
I really don't know why- obviously has nothing to do with tables being knocked over, glasses spilling/smashing on the floor or people trying to dance of the table either😏
I think the occasional treat is fine and as long as you get back on track. Did you have a slice of chocolate cake? Do you have a maintenance range? I weigh myself in kg so I have a 2 kg range with my target weight at the lowest point (4.5lbs) some people have 7 lb range with their target weight in the middle. Your weight fluctuates anyway do it’s good to have a range so you don’t get fixated on being at the target range and disappointed when you go above it. Maintaining is more of a balancing act🧐
Yes, I had two slices of cake on the weekend, both with strawberries and yogurt. I’m still working out my maintenance range. My target weight is 10st 3lbs, that is only 2lbs from the top of the healthy BMI range. So far the range is 10st 1lb - 10st 5lbs, I have not gone under 10st 1lb and think I would have to be very careful with what I eat to get under that.
The main point with loosing weight is knowing when to stop and its time to maintain and feeling comfortable with your decision- BMI should be used as a guide but its how you feel about the weight you're at that is important
I lost my weight during lockdown and found it much easier that there was no eating out or social events. I am finding it much harder now that we are invited out for social gatherings Loving the social side of things but it is not so easy to resist the food when it is put in front of you. We had 3 invitations in one week.
I’m not doing eating out a lot yet except for picnics and with family. I think I will be choosing from menus carefully- looking for ‘ healthy’ options. Now, I just go for coffee.
Exactly! It’s kind of easy when there’s no social life eh? A lot of people seemed to gain over lockdown but I only gained over last summer when things opened up again, lots of eating outside. Really don’t want that to happen again but don’t want to get into binge-then-starve mode.
I was a lockdown loser and maintained for a long time afterwards and agree with you that binging and then starving isn't the way to go but, having days where you eat more shouldn't ruin the good work you have managed. It is just getting that balance. With my plan, I can have 2/3 days where I can eat more than usual which works well when I stick to that plan. When I don't stick to it properly, I put weight on it seems. I feel I am still getting my head around that and at the same time, I don't want to feel totally restricted. I think dieting was a bit easier as I knew where I was with maintaining, it is a little more difficult as even though I can eat more, I find that I don't feel I am eating much more? Finding the balance is the tough one for me at present.
I agree maintaining is harder since there are no books on maintaining and the loosing weight books never seem to have a chapter on when you get to your target weight- which you think they would since it means the authors have faith in their plan? Or has anyone got a book that has a final chapter on maintaining?
I have a maintaining book because of being in SW but, it doesn't properly equate back when trying to explain it ? Because I am dairy free, I struggle to get the healthy extras as the cheese element isn't readily available for me. If I try to go with my "cheese" allowance, I seem to put weight on. If I ignore the cheese, I can have a weekly takeaway, portion of chips and cake and maintain? I get befuddled with it 😀
I found that Paul McKenna hypnosis CD (with the rather daft title 'I Can Make You Thin'!) quite helpful to get me eating slowly and mindfully. But similarly to what you're saying, he doesn't do one for maintaining. He murmurs 'Imagine yourself at your ideal weight' and I'm thinking 'um...I am!'.
I know exactly what I /should/ do though. And it works for a while. And then something triggers a series of blow-outs and I'm back to Boom and Bust again. To be honest, I should think a lot of people would think I'm making a big old fuss about nothing as I only seem to put on 1.5 stone tops, I've never gone back to the place I was in in my 30s when I put on a lot whilst studying. I'm just fed up with having to think about it all the time! I love cooking healthy food, it's not like I'm longing to eat junk all the time. I've just got a massive appetite and can get into a bad Cake and Wine spiral. I've beaten the wine problem (mostly by setting up the DrinkLess thread in here) and drink very moderately now. But the sweet stuff often lures me back!
I found books that talk of properties of food and how food affects us and how hormones work to be equally useful for me whether I’m aiming to lose weight or to maintain. I mean such books as for example ‘the obesity code’, ‘why we eat too much’ or ‘spoon-fed’.
Yes, Fung’s ‘The Obesity Code’ talks quite a bit about insulin and its effects, so does Jenkinson’s ‘why we eat (too much). Also about ghrelin and leptin. Spector’s ‘Spoon-fed is more about microbiome and diet myths and research and food industry, but also useful.
Ah, as soon as I found out that dark chocolate works on Gherlin I was very happy as I eat it every day. I also saw a study somewhere where it mentioned about dark chocolate helping with weightloss recently, think it was in the Guardian?
Spector's book sounds useful too. I remember in the 90's being quite shocked when I found out MSG wasn't just added as a flavour enhancer but, increased appetite and it was banned in baby food. I was shocked to think it may have been added to baby food in the first place!
Oh yes, dark chocolate is also high in fibre. Since I’m not particularly low carb I usually have a piece of dark chocolate with a prune and I’m in heaven I think at least for me maintaining is more about attitude than anything else. If I look at not having a box of doughnuts as something I’m missing out on because I’m watching my weight, then realise that like this I will have to live all my life - that’s pretty miserable. If I see not having a box of doughnuts as a way of looking after myself out of love and respect for my health and my body - then I’m much more prepared to live like that long term. Those books help me strengthen the better attitude and make better choices. Of course, only time will tell how successful I will be long term, but there’s hope 😊
I agree about maintaining being a lot about attitude too. My way of eating has changed and I am grateful to that. I can still have treats but, the treats I had have changed. As I was pre diabetic, I watch sugar and now find things very sweet !
I’m with you on being grateful for things that changed. I find most of the desserts sickly sweet now, not tempting at all. Which is great - not that much need to resist 😊
I seem to lose control over small things, rather than big events, which I can plan for. So for example, making lemon drizzle cake today for weekend visitors, eating the crumbs which fall off while I am cutting it, not intending to have any but those crumbs were so yummy, then a whole piece has gone in, and the sugar demon has a hold of me for the rest of the day!
Good luck- I usually find I put weight on when I go somewhere else or have family staying so I try and get down the lower range beforehand so I don’t go too over my range when I get back to normal routine. Though when I eat out I try and look for what I think would be lowing in calories- tomato based sauces no pastry etc but doesn’t always work😄
sounds like a good plan. enjoying food should not mean eat loads of processed rubbish, it should be exactly as you say - enjoying every mouthful of good food.
I’ve checked my entry on 1 June (how very convenient!) and I can see that my weight was 63 kg on that day and that my plan for June was to stay between 63 and 65 kg.
I’m happy to report that my weight this morning was 62.5 kg, so it does look like a proper maintaining. I’ve been sticking with 2000 kcal per day, with occasional extra 400 kcal added through exercise.
Still eating within 8 hour window, still recording everything I eat, still weighing myself every morning.
To keep things the usual way, I still post in Monday’s weigh in group, with a note that I’m aiming to maintain. I find it helpful.
Hope everybody is more or less happy with their weight and if not - let’s not allow it to get out of hand!
That sounds a great way to check on your maintaining by keeping up with your weigh ins. It sounds like the things you are doing are working so keep on going with that 👍
I do exactly the same it’s interesting to see what foods i eat effect my weight the next day. Today I weighed myself and 84.7 kg. So hopefully this time next month will be between 84-85 kg.
The other week I had much more ultra processed carbs over a couple of days and that led to two extra kilos two days later - an extra kilo each day. Fascinating Dropped right off a few days later.
Sounds like you’re doing brilliantly! I had forgotten that in my longest maintenance period I did just that, added food if I’d done extra exercise. I must go back to it!
congratulations on maintaining and I use this club to post my weekly weight to keep me on track because I never used the weekly weigh-in posts when I was loosing weight
Hi everyone 😊 I am at the end of the second month of maintenance. I was 10 8 3/4lb at the end of May and am 10 9 1/4lb today so have gained half a pound. I have been up and down a couple of pounds either side over the month.
I have found as I start doing more and lose absolute control over my food I am struggling a bit. I have had a few heavy days with lots of carbs on offer and tend to have more of everything at weekends. A few extra carbs and a bit less exercise is a disaster for me. To get back on track I have to go really hard on cutting down and exercise and I know that is not sustainable.
I am still finding out the combination of how much more I can eat and how much exercise I need to maintain my weight. I currently feel more like I am ‘on a diet’ now than when I was actively losing weight over the last few months.
I have a few days away coming up where there will be lots of food on offer and not much opportunity for exercise. I find these things daunting.
I am so happy I have lost 3 stone and absolutely do not want to yo-yo back up as I have before. It will take a bit of time and effort before I learn how to stay at this weight but I will get there. I am still weighing in on Friday’s to keep myself accountable and will keep doing that for a while.
Look forward to seeing how you are all doing this month 😊
I would like to stay below 10 10 so haven’t got much wriggle room. It is my weigh in day today and I had actually gone down to 10 8 so that was a welcome surprise. I probably need to lose a couple more pounds to get more of a range.
Losing more is a longer term goal. At the moment I want to focus on staying at my current weight (after working out how to do that of course 😊) I don’t want to go back to losing mode just yet.
Half a pound is definitely still maintaining! That’s just a small poo! (Sorry...). I am heading the same way this weekend, staying with my mum who loves eating, hates walking! I tend get up earlier than her and get a good 3 miles in before breakfast!
It was my Friday weigh in today and I had actually lost it and a bit more - that weight was from earlier in the week. (I normally put on a pound or two specially for weigh in day 😊 but happily not today)
Maintenance is tough! Good luck with managing over the next few days ☺️
I find I have to keep a fairly tight grip in order to stay in my maintenance range, otherwise I struggle. It takes very little for my weight to go up again!
I am the same - a little bit more food and a little bit less exercise and on go the pounds. I don’t know if that will ever change? I am hoping (probably falsely) that my metabolism may have changed with my weight loss.
Hi folks, it is o.k. if I join you? When I started this journey, about 3 stones ago, I had no real idea where I was aiming. But recently I crept into the "Healthy BMI" range and now my body seems to be telling me that I've done enough. I've been ill for most of the last few months and I think I'm going to listen to my body, stick with the current weight (or a range of about 12 stone 8 to 13 stone) and try to get a bit fitter. From walking 3 miles most days I'm now down to about 300 yards on a good day and that's definitely not right.
I'm not really sure if that counts as maintenance but I'm certainly not aiming to gain or lose much weight for the foreseeable future.
For weight I'm just going to carry on as normal perhaps relaxing a little but still weighing in on Sundays to keep me straight.
It was only mid-April when I was doing 2 or 3 miles most days but since then I've had some serious jaundice and a few other things, apparently cleared up now. But I'm still weak as a kitten and on bad days can barely get out of bed. So it's a load more tests in the hope that the docs can find something and when they do it's fairly easily fixable.
My son in law has recently been diagnosed with cfs - it is an awful condition. He has also piled on the weight as he has stopped being so active which can’t help.
I put on the weight too and went from walking 30 miles a week to being housebound, it is very difficult to accept the condition and adapt to it. My advice to him would be don't over do things when you feel you have the energy, try to pace it which is easier said than done! I did loose the weight though so, it can be done 👍
Hi walkthisway, I have had it since 2012 and would say I have adapted to it. At first I could still do some things but was tired all the time and in pain with some days with the flu/drunk/run a marathon feeling. I was on constant high alert and would slur my words, stop half way through a sentence and fall to one side so felt people just thought I was drunk! This progressed and I would end up bed bound which scared me. I have been through various stages with it and I still never know what the day will bring. I was re referred to the cfs/me service recently where I was told I was too ill to use the service?! I was told that I have Dysautonomia though which was kind of helpful (not everyone with cfs/me has this)
I cannot stress enough for him to take it easy. It is documented that in the early stages this can really help the future outcome. My cfs/me came from a car crash and all my symptoms were put down to that which meant, I was still trying to do things and feeling really ill. People do recover from it though and I would tell him not to give up hope. I haven't even though I have had it so long. The ME association is a good place for information and #Meaction is a good site for information and campaigning that may help him. Hope that helps.
Goodness you have been through it - and are still going through it! I can’t believe you have managed to lose weight with all that going on. Thanks for sharing your experience and advice - that is very helpful and I will pass it on.
My sil has probably had cfs for a few years without being diagnosed. He has been diagnosed with everything but cfs until about 6 months ago when his multiple health problems and awful fatigue finally got put together. He has really struggled with the diagnosis. He is young and just can’t do the things he wants to - even simple things. He has a lot of support from family and friends and his employer so is more optimistic now. He is under a strict ‘pacing’ regime which has really helped him gradually increase his activity. What an awful condition!
It is good to hear that you are still hopeful for a full recovery. That must be one of the hardest things - not knowing when or if it will end. I have read that research and treatments for long Covid may help cfs sufferers - which I gather is very under researched.
It has been quite the journey I must admit! it was 18 months before I asked about cfs/me and only because of a friend getting that diagnosis. We ended up going to the cfs/me clinic at the same time (her's was from a virus)
On the plus for your SIL, he is young so, has more chance of recovery and a friend of mine's partner had cfs/me for 10 years and recovered. He cycled more or less around the world and then became bed bound for a while before getting gently back to almost normal. He is a personal trainer now and is back to cycling miles. He needs to rest on an afternoon quite often but, apart from that is doing well. He even had cancer a couple of years back and managed ok (relapse can be an issue even when recovered) and has had Covid twice!
Yes, cfs/me is under researched for sure! I had to see a psychiatrist as part of my compensation claim (the crash was not my fault) and I was quite angry with the Dr's report as he stated my lifestyle meant I had a 50/50 chance of getting it anyway ! How could he say that when there isn't enough evidence to suggest it's cause other than the body over reacting to a trauma of some type that would usually be dealt with?
Wow your friend’s partner is certainly an inspiration for those with cfs.
I can’t believe a doctor thought it could be caused by lifestyle! I have never heard that before!
My sil had many horrible tests and false diagnoses before they confirmed cfs by elimination of everything else. It probably took about 18 months as well although as I said he has had a lot of the symptoms for a few years.
There definitely needs to be more research - hope long Covid research helps.
I know of a few people who have recovered which definitely gives hope. Some people recover spontaneously others seem to recover by changing something. My next door neighbours niece felt that drinking Aloe vera juice every day helped her to recover. Other than taking supplements sometimes, I haven't really gone down that route. Cfs/me affects the Mitochondria which are the powerhouses of the cells so some believe that micro nutrients can help but, I haven't looked into that either.
I agree about the research. I feel that research on long covid could definitely help and must admit I am very interested in those who got cfs/me from sources other than from viruses.
I don't know much about ME or CFS but I remember when there was a feeling it was psychological rather than physical which would have made it even more difficult to diagnose. MS has a similar history of being very difficult to diagnose- usually after loads of tests and when it is the only thing left. I hope all of you who have it manage to have more good days than bad
Sounds like maintaining to me! Huge congratulations on your fantastic loss! So sorry about the fatigue. I have a friend with a post-stress chronic fatigue problem and I know she has to just take each day as it comes, I’m sure it must be the same after a serious illness. Be kind to yourself!
So sorry you are struggling with your health at the moment and very wise to just try and stay where you are weight wise. It must be so frustrating that you have recently been able to do a lot of walking and can’t now. Hopefully the docs will find a cause for your fatigue and you will be on the road to recovery very soon.
In the meantime your plan sounds very sensible and continuing to weigh in is a great way to keep accountable - I am also doing that.
Hello and thank you for hosting this month well for n June I had no crisps- I must admit there were some communal crisps and I had a couple of handfuls but I didn’t finish the tests of the crisps in the bag which is an improvement especially when there weren’t much left🤣 so I plan to continue no crisps this month. I was really surprised when I weighed myself this morning I had lost some weight despite the bag of wine gums and unallocated glasses of wine actually in the lower 1/4 of my range😂
Hi everyone. Well I have just got back from Lego Land. A weekend with my son his wife and 2 Grandchildren. It was cancelled twice but we finally got there. It was amazing to see the excitement of the children after such a stressful time. They missed out on birthdays and holidays but finally we had the go ahead. The downside is I have gained weight. There was no healthy way of eating. It was all junk food and ice cream. I am now at the top end of my target range and prefer to be at the lower end. I am also finding it hard to adjust back to my healthy habit. HELP X
It is lovely you got to finally spend some quality time with your family 🙂
Days out can play havoc with our new lifestyle can't they? Maybe getting back into the healthier eating by going shopping could help or even saying "I will start Monday "? It can feel a bit overwhelming if we think we're sinking and not swimming but, sometimes we need to take a more gentle approach to get back into things.
Well after my moan about my weight yesterday I weighed today and I am only 2 lb over my preferred weight so not too bad. I have been afraid to weigh because I thought it was worse than that. I am still struggling though as I am getting bad cravings. I will get focused by Monday and try to start again. X
That sounds a small amount when it sounds that you felt it would be a bigger amount on the scales. Getting back to it on Monday sounds a good plan too. What do you usually do about cravings?
I have not had cravings for ages but having ate differently in Lego land I am still craving the sugar fix that I ate there. I need to sort my thinking out. I do not intend to go back to old habits. X
Hi Bee-bop , thanks for hosting. Not a lot to report from me. Still above my maintenance range, but not much. I'm more worried about the inches I seem to have gained. I have enrolled with the weekly weigh-ins again, in the hope that it will keep me motivated to cut out the snacking and reduce the number of days where a sugar rush gets hold of me!So wishing everyone a warm, sunny July.
Hi Trimmerteacher, I think doing weekly weigh ins can be really useful. Sugar can be such a demon ! hope you can reign it back and feel more comfortable soon 🙂
Good morning Bee-bop and fellow maintainers new and old. I'm a bit late joining in partly because I barely noticed that july is already in full swing. I've sort of taken a month off from thinking about food, inasmuch as if I really wanted something I had it. I'm not a huge eater anyway, don't eat pasta, very rarely potato, and Ive had lots of salad with fish , chicken and the odd glass of wine, plus a piece of cake in a cafe... (oh yes, and a slice of quiche another day). But overall not deviated much from my previous eating pattern and roughly the same 1500 calories that I used to maintain on. However the scales still say 10st which is 7-8 lbs heavier than in my earlier years of maintenance. But the years they roll on... so 10st , size 12, and 70 next year, Im not too unhappy with that, especially as I don't need to don a swimsuit anytime soon !! 😁😁
Hi elliebath . It does make me wonder if this is some kind of (as yet unrecognised) phenomenon, that maintainers’ weight creeps back up a little, and the waistline grows, all despite our best efforts. I have stopped stressing about it (plenty of other things to worry about 😂) and am also just relying on sensible, healthy eating. When my head is in the right place, I might have another blitz. Last year I did fairly strict LCHF for a couple of months, but for me it was too restrictive and unsustainable for the long term. So we just have to keep keeping on 😊
Unless someone comes up with a miracle plan then I reckon that's all we can do TT . Meanwhile I shall blame the pesky hormones, disappearing oestrogen, ovaries the size of peanuts. As they say, "ageing is not for sissies" 🥺
That made me smile too! I’ll put it down to ageing that I forgot to weigh in yesterday, after I had promised myself that I was going to try and do that!
I have been having a whinge at myself lately and all because I am 2lb over my preferred weight. I wonder sometimes why are we so hard on ourselves. I am 2 stone lighter than I was at the first lock down and a size 12 or even a 10 depending on make. It is not as if I need to lose any more weight but think that I always have to maintain the same weight or if I don't the weight will slowly creep back on. I suppose we all feel like this from time to time. Losing the weight is not the end of the journey . Reading your posts make me realise I am not alone. Thats my whinge for today X
Hi Carer53, you have done really well with your weight loss journey and I guess you are proud of yourself with that. It is difficult not to 'think the worse' when we put some weight on, I agree that losing the weight definitely isn't the end of the journey 🙂
Losing is the weight is part one and keeping it off for good is the rest of your life. Maintaining is harder as finding the balance of enjoying food and drink and not being too worried about its effects on your weight, requires a balance in life which is usually just not there.
I think for me that it is the idea that I need to think about it and try to work out why I can eat foods deemed a problem and loose weight when I aren't trying to particularly and equally put it on when I change nothing. It makes no sense? losing the weight came pretty easy to me which I wasn't expecting and am happy that I am no longer pre diabetic but, I didn't think that once I got to maintaining that it would level for months and then become a bit of a rollercoaster where 3.5lbs could just appear on the scales. For each extra lb of weight you need to eat an extra 3500 calories. There is no way that I had eaten an extra 12,250 calories in 2 weeks and no way in a week I had eaten less that amount to loose 3.5lbs-that is the bit I find difficult to understand 🤔
Fluctuating a few pounds within a week and month is pretty normal, you are doing lots of different activities in terms of using energy. The thing to do is not get anxious about it!🙂
Hormones affect and also getting towards menopause or stopping smoking can cause weight gain. I was a bit nervous weighing my self this morning since I had a bag of wine gums and 2x85g lentil chips not allocated to my daily allowance and I am still under my mid range point. I was expecting to be closer to the top range but so need to make sure so don’t get complacent😜 it maybe the Leslie Sansone workouts I’m doing and burning off the excess calories. So I had planned on no crisps and though technically they aren’t they are savoury snacks. I had planned to have them as part of my allowance on nights with my dips. Need something easy to digest on nights which are filling and vegetable sticks are a bit too hard for my stomach to digest at 1am!
Savoury snacks are hard to find alternatives for and I would have suggested veg to use in the dips myself 🤔 It is hard having shift patterns that have you up and hungry at 1am.
Yes they are very moreish but I now just break a couple of those into thirds , in a dish for hubby with a beer. Still much better than fatty salty crisps. I like nuts too.
Difficult to use nuts in dips🤣I do tend to have a lighter lunch so the calories balance out and though I eat at midnight or just after I count that towards the previous days calories. I try and keep to my nirmal meals- breakfast before I go to bed and lunch when I get up and tea at midnight or around then!
I too have doubts about that formula of 3500 cals =1 lb . After successfully maintaining for five years mine crept up without eating more. In my case its more like 350 cals = 1 lb !!!
Fluctuating by just a couple of pounds is more than OK, you can feel very pleased if you maintain within just a few pounds range. My range for five years was 1-5lbs and I found that relatively easy to maintain. Its just more recently that a few more crept on and won't shift. I think someone who is really able to crank up the exercise may fare better. I walk quite a lot but really not a gym bunny .
Yes I think I need to have a good talk with myself and not worry about a few pounds gain. Remind myself how well I have done. I just worry that a few lbs. will turn into a few lbs. more Thank you for reminding me how well I have done X
So not going to splash out and buy a bikini then? I am sure you’ll get back on track sometimes you need a break. Are you going to adjust your maintenance range or try and go down to pre-break weight?
Actually I've been trying all this year to get back down to my 2015 -2019 range ( Bmi 22-23) but my current weight ( Bmi 24) is still within "healthy" , so I now see this as my ceiling.
Thanks Bee-bop for hosting this month's maintainers' club - I can see now where I have been going wrong in the past - no top hat 🤣
I'm still trying to get my head around not only being at a healthy BMI but also managing to maintain it. Hence me forgetting to head over here sooner this month - 🤦♂️
I'm now finding new ways to enjoy the freedom the weight loss has given me so went kayaking last weekend and I'm now planning my next trip 😀
I'm still replying to the daily diary and weekly weigh in posts as they really help to keep me focused plus it is great to keep in touch with my friends here 👍
Hi Tank EG Kayaking how wonderful. You must be so pleased with yourself and rightly so. I have been doing gardening today and was able to do much more than I would have done this time last year. Its a lovely feeling. X
I just need to find more things to do on the water or terra firma - maybe get back into swimming or go hiking. You never know, I might even try a triathlon 🤣
Thanks for hosting Bee-bop. Good morning to you and all the other maintainers. Yet again I forgot to look for this at the start of the month, so nearly missed out again! I'm still calorie counting and staying roughly round my goal weight If I'm honest I'm not always as strict as I should be though. Do any of you still post in the Daily Diaries now that you're maintaining?
In the last few weeks I've started some new exercise classes, which are brilliant. I've also started paddleboarding and I absolutely love it.
Hi lovefabric, glad to see you got here 🙂 if you save the post it will send you alerts when others post too. I do still do the DD but, have been missing recently as I have been much busier than usual and it is now holidays from my daughters college. Also, one of my other daughters returned from university and my home is awash with many many boxes! So, the DD has gone on the back burner a little. I still find it useful.
I cannot believe how much stuff! At present I am helping her to downsize some things which I feel she is actually enjoying 🙂 She was studying Art so, we have a lot of huge canvas' in the mix too!
Paddle boarding and Kayaking sound great ways to exercise for sure. I love water and can imagine how invigorating these activities can be.
I know what you mean, my other daughter is doing art, gosh the size of some of the boards and stuff!I love water too. If I'm not on my paddleboard I'm swimming in the sea. As you also love water, I can really recommend paddleboarding or kayaking, you'd love it.
That made me smile reading about your daughter's canvasses. I became "temporary custodian" of one of my son's huge paintings ( 5 x 4 ft ) . That was 11 years ago.... and it's still here, hanging in my tall stairwell, too big for son's flat.
They had bought a little table top washer that unfortunately broke so had done a laundry run, there was still a basket full but, not as bad as it could have been ! 😀
My sense of balance isn’t good so I don’t think I’d spend much time either on the board or standing on it so I could go some paddling- makes me jealous. I think I have a fear of falling (rather than heights) do makes me nervous if there is a possibility. I can do heights if it’s on solid ground but if it’s rocky or slippery I narrow and nothing to hold on to I get very nervous
Hi, I think it’s worthwhile maintaining those habits that helped us along the way when losing weight. I don’t post in DD personally, but I never did 😊 what I did was weekly weigh-ins, which I still do and find it gives me some structure and keeps me accountable. Paddle boarding sounds like fun! 😊
Hello to all, just checking in with one third of the month under our belt. I’m away for a couple of weeks visiting my parents outside of the UK. Not sticking to my routines - having totally different food, much more varied and longer eating windows, got over my calorie allowance and didn’t have my 10000 steps every day (one day, however, I had 30000 steps, so it will have improved my daily average somewhat 😊). My family and friends’ consensus was that I need to gain a few kilos back, with which I agree, but don’t want to make it sudden 😊 At the moment I’m staying a few days in our country house and there are no scales here, so no weighing at the moment 😊 the moment of truth will come on Tuesday to see that happened over those few days 😊 hope everybody is doing well!
Hi, I went away on 4th July weighing 62.6 kg, are different food from what I’m used to, significantly shortened my fasting times, had quite a few days where calorie counting wasn’t precise and definitely over the limit, plus my step count varied, being extremely low on some days. Additionally, I had no scales available for the last few days. I expected to gain, however, this morning I stepped on the scales and to my surprise it was 62.5 kg. I think the maintaining seems to be happening so far 😊
Yes, definitely, I expected to add them naturally during this time, as usually happens when one doesn’t stick to their usual routine. On the other hand, I’m quite pleased that even with all these variations the weight didn’t shoot up. There’s always two sides to everything 😊
Am doing ok here despite the heat! How are you doing Tall1732?
Hello everyone,
I just joined the site having lost a stone over the last few months. Feeling still very excited about it at the moment but I‘m worried a time will come when I want to slip back into old habits so I joined the site as a precaution.
Sounds like a very good idea and you are very welcome 😊
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Hi welcome to the maintainers club and from someone who has been doing it for a few years it can be quite easily slipping back into bad habits Mine is crisps- sometimes my arm reaches out and my fingers wrap round a large back of crisps and put them in my basket with any conscious thought I have been trying for 2 months of being crisps free but not managed it this month- but only a couple of bags- so reset the clock for 1st August, I have not done too much damage with the crisps still in the lower half of my maintenance range and only just out of the lower quarter🤞
I can live without crisps but I have quite a sweet tooth. I have stocked up on those treats for around 100 kcal and I have those in the afternoon. I think trying to go without completely would make me quite miserable. Sounds like a few small bags of crisps every now and then works for you.
Hi and welcome. I first joined this site for the same reason as you. I had lost the weight and wanted support to maintain. I do find checking in here every month is very encouraging. Even if I do wonder off target chatting in here and I am back on track again. X
Hi everyone. I thought I had posted here this month but having scrolled through it looks like I didn't. I am still maintaining at the same weight so happy with that.
It's been very busy so far this month but my son and his partner were pinged by the covid app yesterday. They had tests and he is negative but she is positive. Having been in contact with them and babysitting hubby and I have had tests this morning and are awaiting the results. 🤞they are negative. My planned weekend away has been cancelled so here I am instead. I am very disappointed as we were going to see my younger son who is a medical student and haven't seen him since Christmas. We have no symptoms so here's hoping.
Fortunately the test was negative so I was okay. I was not deemed a close contact as I hadn't been close enough to them so I didn't need to isolate. Just disappointed to miss the weekend away and seeing my son. As it was so hot we had a weekend in the garden instead.
I have now finished work for the summer holidays and am babysitting again this weekend as it is my son's birthday and now they have finished isolating they are celebrating with a night away together. Next weekend is my grandsons birthday. He is 1 year old. A year that has flown by so they are having a family party. We have thunderstorms here today so I hope the weather will improve and everyone is having a good weekend.
It is good that you tested positive but also frustrating that you missed out on your weekend away and seeing your son. Yes, the year has flown so quickly hasn't it!
Sounds like a couple of busy weekends ahead These tests are such a headache and quite often things don't make sense. For example, my situation - I came back to the UK on Monday and obviously had to do a PCR test before flying, which was negative. Then according to the rules I do not need to self-isolate as I'm fully vaccinated. Having no symptoms and not needing to self-isolate meant I went back to work on Tuesday. But Wednesday is the day 2 after arrival, when I'm supposed to take a test - collect the sample myself and send it off. Ok, I did that, but then I have to wait for the results and I still have no symptoms and still don't need to self-isolate, so I carry on going to work. The result came back only today. Fortunately, it's negative, so it's not an issue. But it made me think how strange everything is. If I tested positive, then the whole work place would need to shut down... And the test results are not necessarily 100% accurate.. And you can get the virus with vaccinations. And you can have the virus without symptoms... No wonder my boss sounded very relieved when I informed about the outcome of the test
It really is very strange about the rules around travel and testing. My neighbours were told they would have to isolate and pay for 3 PCR tests on their return, as well as a test before travelling. The extra money has meant they have had to cancel. They have had both vaccinations and feel they were mislead. They are retired and were isolating before going as a precaution until things changed again with France!
Just wanted to share a small success I had today. Basically last night I was starting to get a little fed up with my new regime of only allowing myself a small chocolate treat in front of the telly instead of just diving into a packet of biscuits. But I stuck to my guns and when the scales showed the same this morning as the morning before, I was super chuffed. ☺️
Well done on resisting the biscuits. The results on the scales make it all worthwhile. Keep up the good work and have a good week.
Hi Bee~bop and everyone else. How are you all coping with this heat wave. Last time I checked in I was moaning about a 2lb gain in weight well thats gone now and I am back to my preferred weight. Also so excited to say I have managed to start swimming again at my local leisure center. It is quite complicated as you have to book the day before and there are no changing rooms but worth the hassle. I am going twice a week at the moment and there is nothing like knowing you have to put on a swimming costume to motivate me not to over eat. LOL. I feel so much fitter already. X
Very wise to know your limits in extreme heat. I had my first angina attack five years ago, I was on a hilly coastal walk in Spain in 30 degrees. Could not breathe and it frightened me silly. I'm now much more careful. Now when I'm out in the heat its at a snail's pace, mainly in the shade, walk 15mins then rest. But otherwise on a cool day I can easily walk 1-2 hours if flat.
Well I have had a pleasant surprise this morning when I weighed myself I thought since Ive gone mad with savoury snacks- lentil chips ( I think with the sweating and hot weather I’ve been craving the salt) and wine gums last night I’ve only put on 0.2kg and still under the midpoint of my range. It’s strange I’ve done less walking with Alfie (though not by much) and the last time I had Alfie gor over a week I ate more than my allowance and ended up outside my maintenance range. I think I’ve eaten more this week but gained less- not sure how that’s happened but I’m returning him tomorrow so better reign myself back in sharpish especially since I’m going away next week with my parents to visit my brother and his family. My parents will be upset since my SiL has just been told she has stage 4 breast cancer which has spread to her lymph and lungs. Surgery is not an option and they are seeing the oncologist next week. My brother has told me and my sister since he needed to talk about it with someone since reading between the lines Nic is in denial about the seriousness of it. She thinks she has 20 years but my brother who has been looking into has found that it’s usually 5 yrs. I’m getting the impression Andrew wants to talk about it with her but she doesn’t. She doesn’t know that we know- their children who are 14&16 are aware she is being investigated for breast cancer- they only got the confirmed diagnosis yesterday so I’m not sure if the children know completely yet. We are all meeting up next week- planned before we knew so one way as long as Nic tells Andrew she is happy for him to tell us then we can be there for them all though whether they will feel like going out for a family meal on the Saturday I don’t know. It will be more of an issue if she doesn’t want us to know yet since we will have to pretend that everything is ok even though we know it’s not. Sorry for the long post it’s only really sinking in. Part of me wants to cancel next week but a part thinks we need to be there to support my brother and his family which is why I’m hoping Nic will want to let us all know
I am so sorry to hear about your sister in law. Our family went through a similar experience several years ago but everyone is different so it doesn’t help to compare. I hope your family can support your sister in law and each other and spend a lot of time together.
Oh Rg, so sorry to hear about your sister in law. What a difficult position for all of you with the upcoming visit. I'm sure her denial stage will pass when she's had time to digest it, then you can all chip in with the support she will need. I hope the visit isn't too upsetting and stressful for you. xx
That is good news about only a small gain and sounds like quite a surprise.
That is sad news for you and your family. That secret is a heavy burden for you and your sister until your SIL is ready to tell people. I guess your brother is very upset from the news and his research may help him to come to terms with the diagnosis a little. I can understand why part of you wants to cancel but also that you want to be there for support. It sounds a tough time right now. Hope you are ok.
I know in one way I can understand my SiL want to keep things close and thinking that next weekend is a family get together a time of celebration and I’m sure she doesn’t want to put a downer on it by letting everyone know about her diagnosis. But also it is making me and my sister uncomfortable that we know and she doesn’t know this. We can support my brother but no one else
I think you are probably on the right path with your SIL's motives for keeping things to her and your brother at the moment.
And it is a tough one as you're both having to keep quiet for more than one reason. Could you come up with a plan together for if you have a difficult moment ?
It is I was quite upset last night when I was told it was inoperable and she was going to straight to the oncologist. So I arranged to have a chat with my friend today do I could talk about it. When my sister come with our parents I’m sure we can have a chat about it whilst taking their dog Archie for a walk whilst my parents stay at mine. I’ll let them prepare the tea😁
I am so sorry RG07 to hear your family news. This will be a very difficult time for your sister in law and and all of her loved ones. She will decide if and when she wants to talk about it, however I do advise you keep the children informed. I had this same experience with my mum when I was only 16, also incurable breast cancer (in the days before chemo.) But they told me very little, I guess they thought they were protecting me. Mum was only 51, then my dad died suddenly at 58 . Consequently I was not prepared in either case, and my grief affected me well into mid life. Stay strong for your brother and his children.
Thank you- the children I know have been told she was being investigated but my brother hasn't said if they have spoken to the children now they have the full picture or whether they are going to wait until they've seen the oncologist
So sorry to hear this... such a tricky situation and it would be so hard to pretend that you don't know anything. I wonder if it would be possible for him to let her know that he already told you, instead of asking if it's ok to share. Something along the lines that he needed to talk about it and so it came out and hope that she does not mind. Obviously, that depends on their relationship and may not be possible at all...
I think she specifically told him she did not want anyone to know yet so I think it would make things awkward in an already stressful situation and his argument that he needed to talk to someone about it since she seemed unwilling to do so even if true may feel like he took control away from her- he is a bit of a control freak anyway and I think she needs to feel that she has some control over what is happening to her.
HiI find the best way for me is to get up very early, get my circuit walk done early as well as any shopping or ironing. Then by 9.30 am, I have accomplished a lot before it gets too hot. Now just going to keep hydrated and pace myself.
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