Hi and welcome fellow maintainers' new and old. I can't believe it's July already. It only seems the other day we were getting over Christmas. Salad days are here and I find summer easier than winter to watch the weight. Although there are all those tempting B.B.Q's and more drinking and socializing outside. How do you balance enjoying summer but watching the calories. I don't like B.B.Q. food so can pass on that and there are usually salad options to chose from. I seem to be staying at 9st 7lbs at the moment which I am pleased with. My target was 9st 3lb to 9st 5lb but to get there and maintain I can only consume 800 calories a day. This is not sustainable but 9st 7lb seems to be the weight my body is happy with and I do not need to count calories or weigh every day to maintain this. If I can continue to maintain at this weight then I will be happy. How are you all doing. I know this is not an easy journey but remember we are in it together. Please come along and chat so we can support each other. X
MAINTAINERS' CLUB JULY 2022: Hi and... - Weight Loss Support

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Thanks for posting, Carer53, the year is definitely passing quickly!

Hi Carer 53 and fellow Maintainers,
Here’s to July- I agree that the year is zipping along fast and that in some ways it is easier to watch our weight in the summer. Well done for being happy with your weight, I think that is a real achievement. I don’t do BBQ except for an occasional birthday celebration. I also love salad and all the summer fruits. I’m not happy that I’m still outside my target weight, drinks at the local summer music festival didn’t help. I’m enjoying wearing my summer clothes and checking how tight they are. This month’s target is - I hope to be happy with my weight by the end of the month.
Welcome Moreorless. Wearing summer clothes certainly does help. No hiding behind those baggy jumpers. It is good that you have a target . We all need goals in our lives. Keep checking in here and I wish you well for the month of July. Lets hope its a good summer. X
Ooh I don't know about the clothes, Carer53, I used to hide under a lot of big baggy linen dresses off my local market (whereas I love a slinky sweater dress in winter)! I still have a giant linen kaftan from those days - I use it to change under on the beach!!
LOL Yes I must admit I do have one of those summer dresses one size fits all. Handy for not so good days. X
Sounds like you've been having a nice time Moreorless, good luck this month!
Good luck with achieving your monthly goal to be happy with your weight. I think sometimes we get focused on a specific weight that we don't listen to our bodies. I have spent most of this year outside my range so i decided to try Noom and I am slowly getting back on track- I am just outside my maintenance range- I decided when I reached 59.7kg I need to rethink what I was doing since it was obviously not working! I have managed to avoid crisps and I am drinking more water so hopefully this will help.
Hi RG07
Well done for for getting back on track. I hope being happy or OK with my weight will find me not worrying that it is the beginning of a big shift to putting all the weight back on. I think that is what most of us want and be back in the healthy zone! Good luck with getting back in there! You can do it.
Thanks 🤞you are right and though Noom is costing me if it works then may either continue with it for the next 2 months or use the tips provided and keep on track with that but no longer pay gor it
If Noom works for you, it is worth it. If you can remember enough of the programme, do ‘go it alone’, we are always here.👍

Hi Carer53, thanks for posting! I'm the same weight as you, 9st 7. I'm very happy with how June went, because 9/7 is my ideal, it gives me a BMI of 20.8. My maintenance range is 9st 6 - 9st 11. I burn off about 1,950 cals on a normal day according to my trusty FitBit and sure enough, that's what I seem able to eat and stay the same weight. However, recent days haven't been Normal, as I've got Covid and can't get my usual number of steps in! It's a very weedy version of Covid, luckily, I just feel a bit weak and feeble. But it is quite boring! I lost my sense of taste for a while which was VERY boring but happily have that back again pretty much. Anyway, I have to eat a bit less for a while as I'm a bit more sedentary.
I've been away recently, work + travel - so I'm extra pleased because I had lots of meals out and didn't really know what was going into them. I thought I'd come back with a few extra lb on, but no!
Could I have learned to maintain for good at last?? I don't think July's going to be a problem because nothing much is going on for us. But August brings a holiday, so we'll see how that goes!
Hi Eleanorba. Sorry to hear you have not been well. Can I ask how long you have been maintaining. I have been this weight now for about 3 years. I struggled at the beginning and went down to 9 stone but could not stay there and the weight went back up. I seem to have settled at 9 st 7 lbs and decided to be happy with it. I eat healthy and enjoy my new taste in food. Gone are all the crisps and chocolate etc and in with the fruit and vegetables. I cook from scratch and eat smaller portions. You sound as if you burn off your calories . Is that with exercise or just a normal day for you. My only exercise is walking . I do the school run three times a day and during the day I don't get to sit down much. I also love gardening. Here's to a good July X
Hi Carer, my main exercise is walking too - I also do Pilates but that's not particularly aerobic. I basically make sure I walk 5 miles of steps per day - thats 11,500. If I do that, Fitbit suggests I burn 1,950 cals or thereabouts. And that seems to be right, that's the amount I can eat and stay the same weight. Before the pandemic I used to swim much more too, so I should try and get back into that. I know a lot of people maintain on less than this but I'm /very/ greedy and if I'm honest, I started doing the steps so I could eat the food! Now it's just normal, if I haven't done'em by the end of the day then I have a good old dance around the kitchen after dinner!
Think I must get one of these step counters. It would be interesting to see how many steps I do. I also used to swim but seem to have lost my mojo for that. I always feel so cold afterwards. Once the children break up for the summer holidays I will be off school run duty so intend to do more walking with hubby. I am hoping to maintain at this weight now so need to keep an eye on things. X
Oh, and in answer to your question, Carer, it's a bit hard to say how long I've been maintaining as I'm such a yo-yo-er! I first came on this site 3 or 4 years ago and that was to try and get support maintaining - I could feel the up-swing of the yo-yo coming on! I've never stayed at my idea weight for longer than about 6 - 9 months I'm afraid - but I haven't put on more than a stone over that for many years now.
I think our bodies get used to what we eat after a while and something kicks in and our metabolism changes. This changes as we get older too so we have to keep adjusting what we eat. It is all a game of trying what works for us. X
Hi again
Great news on the weight front, sorry about Covid. You seem to have been lucky though.
Aw no Eleanorba, hope you are feeling much better now after Covid. Am glad to hear that you feel you are feeling you are managing maintenance ok at present though.
Poor you Eleanorba , I hope you are soon back to normal again.
Pretty much better now, Tt! Thanks x
Glad to hear it. I'm dreading catching it before my "big birthday weekend" when my children and their families are coming away with me to a lovely farmhouse for a long weekend. I've been planning it for over a year, and I'd be devastated if we had to cancel now!
Oh Tt that sounds an amazing weekend planned. I hope you can stay away from this covid.. There seems to be another outbreak although a much weaker strain. Hubby and I had it over the two week Easter holidays. He was fine but I was very poorly. No strength to walk and no sense of smell. When are you planning to go. Hope you have a fab time . How lovely to have your family celebrate with you. X
We have booked a big farmhouse in the Peak District. Really looking forward to it now! Thanks for your good wishes. 😊
Not long to wait now TT, I hope you have a lovely birthday . X
Thanks elliebath , I'm really looking forward to having the family all together. That's the best present!
Hi Tt. You must be really looking forward to your weekend away. Not long to go now. Hope you have a fab birthday. X
Sorry to hear you've not been well and have had Covid - there's an awful lot of it about round here just now Eleanorba When I was out for lunch last week I was the only person of about 10 who hadn't had it yet and I'm hoping it stays that way too as I won't get another booster for months if at all.... unless they do them with the winter flu jabs this year. Hope you feel better soon and can get you steps up to speed again.
Covid is certainly on the rise I had it recently as well fortunately the mild version- heavy cold and headache-taste buds not affected! Just got an irritating cough and chest tightness but not sure if could be a bit of hayfever.
Oh no RGO7 Sorry to hear you got covid. It is about a lot at the moment but a milder version but still not nice. We got it over the Easter Holidays. Hubby was fine but I was quite poorly. Hope your on the mend. X
It was a few days before my parents were due to visit and a planned family get together at a pub 😢
Oh that makes it even worse. X
Hi RG07 How are you doing? Are you over covid now? Is NOOM working for you and are you managing to avoid the crisps? I have stayed the same weight so far this month so happy with that. X
It's going well I had gotten up to 59.8kg (nearly 4kg over maintenance range!) and I am now back in range- 55.2kg! I am not sure how much is Noom and how much is due to the fact I no longer have free car parking at work (since Covid all staff could par on site free of charge). So I am walking to bus stop then bus stop to ward which is on the opposite side of the hospital from each other so 15mins walking one way. Also its been busy at work so dashing round a lot But I will take the loss whatever the cause:). I have paid for an extra 2 months and I will review whether I will continue with it or not. I have managed to avoid the crisps so far and I was very good at my parents and declined the cake, biscuits and tea cakes when we went out mid- morning and had a coffee/tea which usually includes a toasted tea cake
It also encouraged to go for walks 1-2x daily, since I had a target of 7500 and since my steps allowed me extra calories and I am often over my allocated allowance since I am also including my teas and coffees. which I don't do on MFP! I am still using MFP since you can't plan your meals for a week:(From a Covid point of view I am well the chest tightness seems to be less but since that maybe due to hay fever its a bit difficult to know if it was after effect of the Covid since it was trying to get on my chest or hay fever.
Oh RGO7 that is amazing. It might be an accumulation of everything so well done especially the crisps. You are on a roll now so keep it up. Glad you getting over covid. It tends to make you feel very weak , Keep up the good work. 😀😀😀😀

Hi Hidden glad you are maintaining well. My weight creeps up over months and then I focus and bring it down again through effort, mostly to limit quantity or carbs. I am pleased that despite holidays in June I have actually kept the same since late May without counting. I think longer days and being busy has helped, by reducing my evening nibbling. So I am 59.4kg (9:5), which is BMI 23.7 for me. Still hoping to reduce further, but not in a hurry. The winter is always a challenge for me.
Hi Brumosa. You are doing really well. It is all about keeping an eye on the weight and acting before it gets out of control. Yes its the night nibbles that get us all. Any one with any ideas please share. I try to nibble on fruit but I suppose there is only so much fruit one can eat. Good luck for July and keep checking in to let us know how you are doing. Do you have any holidays booked that you have to plan for. X
I had a talk yesterday about intuitive eating by a nutritionist. She recommended pairing in a snack to make it more substantial. So- fruit and a few nuts. Cheese and fruit or vegetables. Anyone tried intuitive eating?
Hi Moreorless. What does intuitive eating mean. I do include snacks but keep them for evening which is my worse time. I am pretty good during the day but come evening I can only think what is there to eat. I do not keep unhealthy snacks in the house so that I am not tempted. I have fruit veg or yogurt. X
I’ve sent for a book to read a bit more….. but the focus is on nurturing yourself and body. You loose weight more naturally, knowing the difference between physical hunger (healthy) and emotional eating (craving and comfort). Learn to trust yourself- you are the expert on your body (not food/ diet experts). Know when you are full and fill the emotional need by support (Maintainers), exercise, meditating and anything else you want. For me the problem is both emotional, I want to eat really well to be healthy.
Oh I see. Yes that makes sense. Its the emotional eating is the problem. How do we fill that gab. In the evening I just crave food even though I am not hungry. I remember many many years ago when I gave up smoking it wasn't the nicotine I missed it was what to do with my hands. I used to sit on them until the moment passed. X
I am the same. I keep to a normal pattern all day, but after the evening meal (usually cooked), I start to think what can I nibble on. I have savoury crackers, fruit, raisins or occasional frusli bars. I should experiment to see whether meal time or content affects the craving. I am usually sitting reading or watching a DVD at the time.
I keep healthy snacks ready but keep them in the kitchen rather than beside me so I have to get up to get them . I take only a small tangerine at a time and try and make a cup of tea instead of eating. I find it sometimes depends on what I am watching. It is definitely boredom for me that makes me think of food. X
What about taking up a craft- knitting, sewing, drawing to keep your hands busy? When you feel hungry, answer someone in the Maintainers group. Having said that I have just eaten a huge snack of fruit loaf and jam!
That was intuitive eating🤣
I have had a stressful day today and am fancying something nice to eat so hubby and I have decided to go out for a walk to distress. The problem has been resolved I just need to unwind so its either reach for the fridge or get out. X
Good idea, it is a lovely here. I spent time in the garden, the evening sun is great! Hope the walk energises you both. X
I enjoyed our walk. I love spending time in the garden too. I try and stay out there longer this time of the year. I am feeling much better now and will sleep well tonight. X
So glad that the walk worked. Sleeping is so important too, if we are tired, that is when we often want the sugary and fatty comfort food. Sweet dreams! X
Thank you Moreorless. I did have a good nights sleep and feel better today. I have a friend coming for lunch today. I have planned a healthy chicken and veg with no desert. She is a good friend and will appreciate the healthy eating. I will have some cake to offer with a cup of tea if she wants. I buy cake and cut it up into serving pieces and keep in the freezer for those unexpected visitors and Grandchildren. X
I had a good night’s sleep too. I’m going for a short walk after breakfast. I’m sure your friend will appreciate the healthy cooking and know it is doing you all good. I’m going out for lunch with a big group. I tend to think - it’s only once in a while, don’t worry. Today, I’ll try to be more mindful. The frozen cake is another good idea- you are more disciplined than me, I’d be be having a piece too. See why I’m still not back in my maintenance range?🤣
LOL Hope you enjoy your walk. I would tend not to worry so much if out with a group of friends. It is only once and a while. I try and find someone willing to share a desert so that helps. I go out once a month with a group of friends and think thats my treat. I usually pick chicken and share a desert. I forgot to mention I usually buy cake I don't like so not tempted. X

Hi everyone,
I am maintaining but over my maintenance range so, I am going to try to lower it a little this month. It is the first time that I haven't managed to drop back down in a week or so. This week has been hard because our older guinea pig went down hill and we had to have him put to sleep yesterday so, I feel I have been pre occupied this week for sure.
Oh poor little thing - so hard saying goodbye to family pets, but at least we can do that for them and they need not suffer.
Thanks Trimmerteacher, one of the girls took it really hard which made me feel upset. He was 7 though so, he had done well as 2 years ago they said he might not survive then when he got poorly.
It is very hard when we choose not to let them suffer any more but then feel the loss. When my granddaughter felt so upset, we did say her Guinea Pig was a good age and suffering is not good as even holding them can be painful for them.
Thanks Moreorless, he stopped eating and drinking and even though we were hand feeding him, yesterday he just didn't have the energy and was already on painkillers for a couple of months, not anything else that could be done . He had already given up poor guy.
Hi Bb . Oh that is awful. I am an animal lover and know that our pets are part of the family. You will get back on track but allow yourself some time to deal with this loss first. Take care . Sending you hugs. X
Oh Bee-bop, so sorry to hear about your little friend. I'm sure you'll do brilliantly on the weight front this month.
Am going to have a good try although I just found out that Betty's tea rooms have wheat free and dairy free options ! Myself and a friend are planning afternoon tea so I will have to work around that 😋
I went to Betty's tea rooms years ago and it was amazing. You will be lost for choice of cakes. Enjoy your afternoon tea and cut back the following day or plan a long walk. How are you feeling now after your loss of your little pet. How is your Grand daughter coping. It is sad when we lose a family pet. X
Hi Carer53,
Thank you. I was just really surprised they had things I could have ! I really thought it would be traditional fayre and they wouldn't have the wheat and dairy free maybe just one of them.
I am doing ok just my middle daughter is still struggling. It was stressful about the cremation as the one we used in November has been de commissioned and so he would be taken to the new pet crematorium miles away. I have had to pay more to make sure we can guarantee they are laid with his brother near to where we live. It took a few phone calls to organise. Unfortunately one of the other guinea pigs is now poorly. So, I have had such a frantic weekend with everything. She's on 4 different medications. I am therefore not really thinking about my weight at the moment !
. Oh poor you. That sounds a lot of sorting out. Our pets are part of the family and a loss is hard to deal with. Sending you lots of love. X
Thank you Carer53,
They certainly are! I will let you know how the little one gets on.
Yes please do. I once looked after a guinea pig while my friend went away and I was surprised what personalities they have. I soon got attached X
Hi Carer53,
Just an update, We went to the vets again today and so the little one is on antibiotics for a couple of weeks longer. She's not any worse but, she's not put on any weight since last time. We are just going to keep an eye on her and keep up with the medicines. So will update you again in a couple of weeks 🙂
How is the little one. Are you still nursing her and how are you coping. She must be keeping you busy. X
Hi Carer53,
Thank you for asking. It has taken up a lot of our time nursing her but, she seems to be getting better each day ! She's started squeaking and coming to the front of the hut again and she is loving the baby food we are giving her to help put the weight on. I am so pleased to see her being more like she was and yesterday when they were out she was even running with her sister again.
Hello Hidden , thanks for hosting this month. I'm very similar to you, in that I lost weight, got down to 9st 2lb back in 2018, allowed myself a range of 9.2 to 9.6, but seem to hover just above that ever since! Currently I am 9st 9lb, but we have just had a week's holiday up in Scotland, so today I am back on the wagon. I'm hoping to get down to 9st 6lb again by early August, as it's a big birthday coming up, but as lots of friends and family have got various celebrations planned, I bet that is going to be difficult!! But here's hoping and trying anyway. Have a good month, everyone.
Hi Tt. Thats the answer keep trying. You are doing really well. Sometimes our bodies tell us what is the best weight for us. We can not let life get in the way. It is about balancing weight control without letting life's obstacles get in the way. We know there will always be holidays parties etc that we have to cope with but its how we make the right choices. We have to remember this is a life time plan and keep working at it. There will be good days and bad days but keep moving forwards, We are here to help and support. Good luck for July. X
Good luck with your target before August TT even with the celebrations 🙂
Thanks Bee-bop
Have you got a special outfit you could dream of for the big birthday? I am still vane enough that clothes are my main inspiration for losing weight!
I have got a favourite outfit I plan to wear on my birthday when my husband takes me somewhere very nice for lunch. It's actually very forgiving if I eat a lot! And I haven't seen anything I like better - although that doesn't always stop me looking! 😂

Thanks for hosting and posting this month Hidden I've just been finishing off the Weigh-in for next week and thought I should just post my weight on here too as it keeps me accountable. This morning I weighed in at 116.8lbs which is well within my under 119lb target. I was skating a bit close to the edge after having had a restaurant meal out twice in June and tucking into a couple of bags of jelly babies two weeks on the trot so have taken myself back in hand over this week and got stuck into walking at least 6 miles a day and closing the kitchen at 6pm. I reckon if I do that over the weekend and Monday I'll have got things back on an even keel again. It was the carbs that did it of course - macaroni cheese with garlic bread and salad ( I couldn't quite manage to eat the salad lol, but I did manage a Raspberry Macalan Sundae for dessert of course!😅😅) When I was following 850 calories or thereabouts I used Fast800 shakes to make sure I was getting enough Vitamins and Minerals and that helped me stay on track and not feel hungry. My treat was a slimfast choccaramel at 99calories and that worked for me. I still use the Fast 800 coffee or Chocolate shakes from time to time when I want to get back on track - not cheap but I know I don't have to worry about feeling hungry and messing up totally by heading for the biscuit tin!
HI Clematisal and welcome to July's maintenance club. You sound as if you have a plan that works for you and you are sticking to it. It is all about finding what works for you. We are all different so please come along and read other posts on here and you will find encouragement and support. Well done on your weight this morning and good luck for the rest of July X

Hi Carer53 and everyone. Just a quick update from me, as I have guests atm and things to do.Back in May I reported miserably that I'd gained a few pounds. Then during a holiday at end May I somehow lost 1 lb of that. Since then I've lost another 3 lbs. So I'm back to 10st where I've been most of last year. Not the 9st 7 that I was for the first few years of maintenance, but then I'm 8 years older now, so que sera, sera.
Lovely to hear from you elliebath and good news on the weight loss. Your body seems to be telling you that 10 st is the weight for you. I would like to be a bit lighter but find it impossible to stay there so have now accepted the weight I am which is 9st 7lbs That is still 2 stone lighter than I used to be so I am happy with that. Enjoy your visitors and look forward to you catching up later in the month. X
Yes me too. I am still 27 pounds lighter than I was in 2014, so its not all bad.
Thats amazing and I think that is what we need to remember . How far we have come and not be too hard on ourselves if we have the odd pound gain. Its keeping an eye and not letting things get out of control. X
I bet you look great elliebath! What BMI does that give you? Although I know some people don't hold with BMI, so feel free not to say as well!!
It is 24 , a fraction higher than it used to be because unfortunately I seem to have shrunk nearly an inch in height during my sixties !!! 😱
My Grandchildren love teasing me about how tall they are getting and how I am getting shorter. I have never been that tall to start with an average 5ft 3inches. X
I recommend Pilates, it made me half an inch taller!!
Is that all the stretching. LOL X
Well it's really heartening to know that you have lost the mysterious excess pounds gained in May. Reading what others have written about getting down to a low which is rarely achievable again, seems to be a common thread!
Yes it does look that way. But maintaining close to my lower weight for several years just gave me a false sense of security. I still struggle to accept this extra half stone (likewise I struggle to accept my ageing face 😄) But I am trying to relax a bit and count my blessings, not just calories 🙏🤣
Yes it has been encouraging to read more posts this month about people who are accepting their weight and are happy being where they are. When I lost my original weight it was hard work and constantly thinking of food and what I was eating. Then it came to maintaining and I didn't have a clue. I panicked if any weight crept back on and constantly trying to be at my lowest. This I found unsustainable and depressing. Then bit by bit I let my body tell me what was sustainable. I am 9st 7lbs. and find so long as I eat healthy and make good choices this is where I can maintain. I would love to be nearer the 9st but to that I have to eat very little and that cant be good either. So accepting this is me and I look great for my age I am happy. I have made lots of changes. Out with the cake chocolate and crisps and in with the fruit veg and salads. I eat off a much smaller plate. I enjoy cooking from scratch and enjoy what I eat. Sometimes it is good to listen to our bodies. Also remembering that we are all different. Not sure what I can do about my aging face. LOL X
Smaller plates are a really good way of keeping portion size down.
When we were losing our weight we swopped our plates for pasta bowls. I now use them everyday and even visitors get the same bowls. Many comment and say they love them. I do worry sometimes that I give guests a big enough portion but it comes natural to me now. I always tell them there is more if they want it. X
I started in late 2016 and had achieved my lowest weight of 9st 2lb late in 2017, having lost around 2 stone. I never actually stayed at 9st 2lb, but hovered around 9st 4-6lb for a year or so, but since early 2019, it has crept up (or galloped actually!) to around 9st 7-10lb. So these days I am happy if I can just get back to 9st 6lb which was the top of my target range originally. Now when I read that back to myself, it doesn't sound that bad and I wonder why I beat myself up over it! But I do know that when it gets to 9st 8-9lb, my clothes start feeling tight again, so I have to do something about it. But on the whole, I do feel more relaxed about eating, and know what my triggers are (sweet things) and to avoid them, and to just count my blessings, as you say. 😊
You're still doing very well to stay in "the nines " TT, well done. These days I find that keeping an eye on the fit of my clothes is better for me than watching every pound on the scales, and so far they still just fit !
Me too elliebath. I find if I weigh daily the scales can vary between 2 lb so I keep an eye on how my dresses fit. I also have a large mirror on the landing which tells me if I need to cut back a little. X
That’s the main thing! 👍

Hi everyone,
I’m new to the maintainers’ club. How does the maintainers’ club work?
Hi lea57 49r Welcome to the maintainers club. We are a friendly bunch who have reached their ideal weight and want to maintain there. It is not always easy so we help and support each other. Maybe you could start by telling us where you are in your journey. Maintaining usually starts with seeing what works for you. We are all different and if you read the posts on here you will get tips and lots of advise. There is a new tread every month and you can pop in at anytime and share how you are doing or ask for help. There will always be someone to chat to. Save the post at the top of the page and you will get notice if some one reply's to you. Also you can answer any of the post too. Just join in where you want to. Hope to see you here soon we love to have new maintainers join us X
Great that you have reached your weigh loss target and joined the maintainers. As Carer53 says it's a bit of trial and error to start with to see what works for you. You could try adding some extra calories or carbs depending what plan you follow and see how it works.
I find it helpful to keep weighing in each week and I can keep tabs on any gains act on it before too much damage it done..
We have all been on our own weight loss journeys and offer each other support and help with maintaining. Good luck with maintaining.
Thank you.
Glad you popped back in to chat. It would be nice to know more about you but only when you feel ready to share. I have been on my journey since the beginning of covid. Hubby and I went on the NHS healthy eating plan. It is a twelve week course. He lost four stone in a year and me two stone. I have managed to keep the weight off thanks to what I learnt about healthy eating and all the support I get on this forum. We all have good days and some not so good but we keep trying thats the main thing we have in common. We all want to maintain our weight loss. Good luck for this month. X

Hello Carer53 and everyone. After last month's birthday and father's day celebrations and subsequent gain I thought I was turning things around when I had a small 0.5kg loss. For the last 3 weeks however I have been stuck at the same weight just inside the top of my maintenance range.
A meal out yesterday didn't help and there are more celebrations this month with our wedding anniversary followed by my son's and grandsons birthdays. I plan to try and eat sensibly between the celebrations but I think if I manage to STS I will be lucky. I am going on holiday in August so that is an incentive to avoid any gains.
I think I might join Jennilous challenge which might help keep snacking at bay and increase exercise. Only two more weeks at work until the summer holidays and then things will hopefully be a bit easier.
Hi Gizmocat Great to hear from you. You have had a lot going on haven't you. Sometimes celebrations are like that all at once which doesn't help the weight gain but a quiet period usually follows and we can get back on track. I have a holiday coming up in August so hope to stay the same weight until then. That will be in a Hotel with all food included which I find hard. Although there will be lots of walking throughout the day. Hope you have a good summer holidays and good luck with the weight. X
Good morning all. How are you coping with this hot weather? Does it make you eat more or reach for the salad and fruit. I went to a fete yesterday and the sun did not stop me from taking in the smell of chips burgers cakes and even ice cream. I did give in to temptation but back on track today. Hope you all had a good weekend and are doing well with the weight maintaining. X
Ice cream is my weakness Im afriad - and even more so in hot weather. Im having a mini fruit juice lolly a day along with strawberries as a treat in the heat - which is not quite as damaging as the large tub of salted caramel ice cream at the cinema I had on saturday.
Yes ice cream has become my new weakness. It used to be crisps so I think its not too bad. If in a restaurant I would order cheesecake but now its ice-cream that has to be an improvement surely. I don't order all the cream or sauce with it so not too bad. I do not buy ice cream to keep in the house so its only a treat if I go out. X
Weight lost: 5st 3lbs
Hi everyone,
I recently joined the Maintainers’ Club. I didn’t count calories last week and gained a pound. I recently had Covid which has left me feeling weak and I stupidly hurt my hand last week which is gradually improving. I did notice that I was feeling ravenous as I was having my hand x-rayed in hospital. I know the hunger was down to how I was feeling physically. Back on track today and counting calories again.
I used to love ice cream but no longer eat it as I no longer like it. I prefer a nice take away coffee.
Oh no another covid. It has got around a lot lately and its not nice. It does make you feel very weak. Hope you are getting over it now. Glad to hear you are back on track and back to counting calories. Is that how you lost your weight? You have done really well to get to maintainers. Hope you become a regular. We all support each other and give out tips and advise. Sometimes its just nice to have someone to talk to who knows what you are going through. This is a journey which we are all sharing and its lovely that you decided to join us too. Good luck with the calorie counting. X
Yes I lost the weight through calorie counting. I also use a treadmill but haven’t used that since Covid. I might try doing 10 minutes on it tonight. I was doing 30 minutes each day before Covid. I would also do strength and flex. The weight range I’ve set for myself is between 9st 2lbs and 9st 10lbs. I want to see where my weight settles. I exercise to stay fit and also to help speed up my metabolism as I have an underactive thyroid.
Thats amazing. I only do walking at the moment. My target was to stay at 9st 2lb but my body seems to settle at 9st 7lbs so I have accepted that. I also have an underactive thyroid and was told by the doctor that I would struggle to lose weight but I did it. You have done so well and should be proud of yourself. Keep up the good work. X
Thank you. I was on the treadmill at 7.30am this morning for 10 minutes. I’m taking it easy as I get back into exercise. I’ll see how I feel, I might do another 10 minutes this afternoon. I had half a pint of water first thing this morning and I do find that takes the edge off my appetite as well as being good for my body.
You’ve done vary well on your own weight loss journey and you too should be proud of yourself.
I am proud of where I am today compared to three years ago. I eat much healthier and enjoy cooking . I eat smaller portions and make wiser choices but I always feel there is more I could do. I do the school run 3 days a week so that ties me up . I am constantly watching the clock. I used to be able to walk them to school but have moved now so its a car ride away. I am active and always on the go. I love gardening too so that helps. I wont have the children during the summer holidays so I must get out walking more. X
Hi Carer53,
Well, when I weighed on Friday, I had lost 2lbs and ended up back in my target range!
I have just been away for the weekend at my middle daughters graduation so, I haven't been too good while away as there was not too many alternatives I could get. I even had a portion of chips on the sea front.
Ice cream is more difficult as we're dairy free so I don't have that temptation so much. When I do buy it in, I try to get no added sugar varieties.
You must be very proud of your daughter. That is a special occasion and a few calories are deserved. You can get back on track now, Its the ice-cream adverts that get me going but I only have one as a treat, I have given up crisps and biscuits so the odd ice cream is aloud. Good luck for the rest of the month. X
Well we are half way through the month. How are you all doing? I am just hanging on in there. Had some not so good days but managed to bring it back. How are you all coping with this heat. It makes me not want to do very much so not much walking at the moment. I hope you are all keeping well and have a good weekend but remember to stay cool if you are living in one of the heat wave areas X

Hi Carer53,
I am not as good in the heat for sure and am relieved that it has been cooler the last couple of days as there is more warm weather coming here! I tend to stay in as much as possible but, we have a few appointments this week so will be shielding from it apart from that.
On the down side, I tend not to think about what I am eating as I don't really want to make food which can mean less healthier choices unfortunately.
Thats true. When its hot we don't want to cook and even making a salad can be a challenge. It is easy to pick up something and eat on the go. I have stocked up on fruit and yogurt and hope I eat more of that rather than junk food. Today I have put my slow cooker on with a gammon joint in so that will make a few meals without me having to cook everyday. There are only the two of us so it will last a few days. I love the hot weather but this is too hot for me. I tend to stay in more during the day and go out early evening. I struggle to get to sleep too so usually have a nap during the afternoon. I miss the days when the children were small and I could paddle in their paddling pool. Have a good weekend and enjoy your little guinea pig. My Labrador dog is stretched out on the cool floor in the utility room. The door is open so he can go in and out as he wants. He has thick fur but does like to lay in the sun . X
That sounds a really good idea with getting things in that will make life easier. I might try that tomorrow before it starts to get too hot.
You could always get a paddling pool and say it's for the dog ! we used to have one as a child and my guinea pigs back then would have a paddle! I am planning on covering the window where the guinea pigs are so that it doesn't get too hot for them. Luckily they aren't outside.
Hope you have a lovely weekend too x
That made me laugh as I am sure I have the only Labrador who is afraid of water. He wont even walk in a puddle. I have even thrown treats into water to entice him but nothing will get him to get wet. I once took him to the beach and it was so embarrassing I've never taken him again. I keep telling him he is a water dog but he runs away each time. I might get a small paddling pool anyway X
Haha ! Aw, bless him! Let us know how it goes if you get him a paddling pool 🙂
Well I did it. I got myself a paddling pool. Just by chance yesterday I called into our local shop and there they were on the shelf staring at me. Most unlikely place to find one so I thought it must be fate. I came home and filled it up straight away. The dog run and hid but I sat with my feet in it for an hour. LOVELY X
Oh fantastic! Hope it helps in the heat ! Shame your dog didn't fancy a try too 😎
I am looking after my sons dog next week who loves water so hoping he will show or encourage my dog to go in. It is a bit cooler today. I have just put on the slow cooker with lots of chicken portions so thats my main meals for a few days sorted. I will serve with something different everyday so its not boring. X
Hi everyone. Hope you all had a good weekend. Are you managing to keep cool. I want to share with you what I ate during the extreme heat. In a suitable dish I put one banana a small pot of plain yogurt a few berries and some strawberries. Mix well with a fork and place in freezer for an hour. You don't want it frozen rock hard just starting to freeze. I had it for breakfast and even lunch. It was cool tasty and replaced my ice cream. You could use what ever fruit you like. Hope your all keeping well and managing to keep off the pounds. X

Hi Carer53
Yesterday I was out for Sunday lunch with friends and it was the first time that we were at a restaurant where the menu included the calories ( legal in England this is not yet required in Scotland )
On one hand it did help me choose my main that was at least not too far out of the ballpark over my daily calorie count - which I expect to go over when I go out for a meal - but despite much horror at the numbers - it didnt stop anyone else ordering a dessert.
I resisted dessert but then I had a couple of glasses of wine which is just the same calories anyway.
I did find it helpful so at least I know the damage done but whether it will resolve our obesity crisis? Im not sure..........
Hi Ironqueen. Yes I have been to one of those restaurants that have calorie counted meals. It was so scary because even something I thought healthy was quite high in calories. I usually pass on dessert in favour of wine. I do not think it will help our obesity crisis. Smaller portions might help. I really struggle to finish a meal now. I was asked the other day did I want double burger tripple burger or quadruple. What happened to the single burger. Everything seems extra large. A choice of healthier options would be good. On the other hand it is good we can now socialize with friends. We just have to be wary of what we order.X
Its not going to stop me eating out as its a lovely treat once in a while. Im sure Ill work it all off today in the heat of the gym Like your suggestion for a cooling treat Ill make one afterwards Ill be coming back from gym via the supermarket to pick up yogurt (already have the fruit)
Me neither we all have to have a treat now and then and I soon lose the weight in a few days. Hope you enjoy your gym session. Its a long time since I saw the inside of a gym. Due to age and arthritis its walking only for me now but I do keep active. I am always gardening too. X
Its too hot for me to be out in the garden today - other than sitting in the shade that is.
Good air con system at the gym though which was needed yesterday.
so it was quite a cool session.
I took the Grand children to school this morning and it was already very hot at 9 am so I am indoors for now until much later today when hopefully it will get cooler. X

Considering I had gone over my weekly calorie allowance I was surprised to have a 0.5kg loss when I checked yesterday which took me under my target maintenance range. But I think it was just dehydration as its been so hot and sweaty this week and I probably wasn't drinking enough water . Last thing I want to do is lose too much weight - I'm sure it will be back on this time next week, especially as Im away staying at a hotel for the weekend for wedding anniversary which we can celebrate properly this year.
Hi Carer53, I’ve just joined this chat. Do you mind me asking what was your starting weight and how long did it take you to get to your ideal weight? Did you lose the weight doing exercise as well as calorie counting? I’m 58 and struggling with a weight gain of 22 lbs in the last 18 months. I desperately want to shed it but, all the walking I’m doing doesn’t seem to help. Just wondered if you have any advice?
Hi Bagel12 and welcome to our Weight loss forum. I believe that many of us have gained some extra weight with lock down and post lock down.
I'm afraid that we're having technical issues at the moment ,this post is really for members who have achieved their goals and hope to stay on track.
May I suggest that you join in with the weekly weigh in and our Daily Diary. You'll find both these posts if you click on the green blob (my feed) which is at the top of this page. Just click on the titles and the page will open. We find participation is the key to success.
I'm sorry about the technical problems, I wish you the best of luck.
Hi Bagel 12 Well you have made the first step by asking for help. I can tell you my story but as The Tabby cat has suggested you should look around the forum and find the right place for you. I lost my weight by going on the NHS healthy eating plan. It is a twelve week course and teaches you how to prepare healthy meals. I lost 2 stone and Hubby lost 4 stone. He did the course a few times. Everyone on here has a different approach to losing weight and you will find lots of help and support. I am now a maintainer and have managed to keep the weight off with the help and support of this forum. On this thread we are all trying to keep off the weight we have lost and support each other. You will find what suits you best. Chatting to others certainly helps and you can support others as well as picking up handy tips. Some people do a lot of exercise whilst others cant or don't. We are also all different age groups too so that makes a difference. Some count calories whilst others have particular ways of losing the weight but whatever suits you is fine. Hope to see you on here one day telling us you have reached your goal. My only advise is its not a quick fix its a journey and we are all on that journey together. Good Luck . Pop in anytime and let us know how your doing X
Good morning everyone. Hope you all had a good weekend. I am still hovering at the 9st 7lb despite the lunch out with friends and tea at my sons last week. The hot weather seems to have disappeared and it feels more normal outside. I am off Grandchild duties for six weeks so have time to myself. I hope to get out more and be more active. I have a holiday coming up in August so hope to keep the weight off for that. How are you all doing? X

Morning Carer53
Its raining where I am - and Im not going to complain - poor garden needs a soaking. It was a weekend away for our wedding anniversary , beautiful hotel and lovely food but way more than I would normally have though I did keep to my drinks limit. I'm cutting back on snacks for next couple of days before I dare to weigh in on Wednesday and assess the damage.
Happy Anniversary Ironqueen. I am glad you had a lovely weekend. You will soon get back on track now that you are home. I agree on the rain. My lawn looks dead and in need of some care. Good luck with your weigh in. X
Hi everyone. Well the heat wave is back so how you all coping. I went on a coach trip yesterday to Tenby. I love a coach trip and its lovely now that they are back up and running. I had a pub lunch and followed that with an ice cream. It was a day out so today its a case of cutting right back. Its hubby's birthday on Sunday so it will be lunch out again. That all said I am managing to stay the same weight of 9st 7lbs. Are you all managing to maintain or is the heat making you eat more. I hope you are all well and that you have a good weekend. X
Hi everyone. Well it is the end of the month of July and tomorrow Trimmerteacher will be hosting for August. Thank you to all of you who came along for a chat and catch up . I have enjoyed finding out how you are all doing. I end the month the same as I started at 9st 7lbs. Thats not to say I didn't have some ups and downs but I usually get back on track and am able to maintain this weight. Look forward to chatting again in August . Good luck to everyone X

Thanks for being a great host Carer53 and well done to all our maintainers. Augusts post is now open. Good luck for another month maintaining xx
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