i've been told i'm losing weight by work collegues and i believe them but i feel i have a lot of shaping and toning to do on my body and would like to look fitter to my own impression of my self not just mentally in word but physically in body.
i do have a lot of things to do to keep myself interested, present and productive but people worry about my activity and relate it to my mental stablity in what is thought and said. believing something wrong with me wanting to shape up and attract a partner.
i take all sorts of prescibed and bought medicines to help myself be better in my future self than the way i feel about my present body. i don't live in the past or my body from years ago.
its not just shape and size but perception and height. my mirror and reflection is distubed and i know i do more than look good but i would like to see the others perspective if it means i look more attractive!!
anyway i eat but would like to keep weight off as good as i can...