I had no idea what I was going to talk about today. Until after I had finished sorting my clothes out. I then started looking at my shoes. Then a light came on. So today it is all about shoes. As a child I had 2 pros of shoes1 for school and 1 for going out know as Sunday best. I also had black slip on pumps which we did out door games at school. That was it. They were changed in September just before our school year started. In the summer I had some sandals. We had to wear slippers in the house.
I did get some flip flops 1 yrs and I remember tripping up and ended breaking my toe. Never had any since.
When I went to work the first wage I bought myself 2 pair of shoes.
I have a big foot size 8. So it was limited in what I could buy.
These days I have more shoes boots than I ever had. Looking and storing them out I have some that have been in the cupboard for yrs. Knee boots wouldn’t go round my fat legs. I put them on and wow they fit and fasten. So they are staying. So many shoes I don’t wear. I seem to stick to the same pair till they are falling apart.
Seem to be going on a bit. So it’s up to you what you want to talk about. Anything will do.if you want to have a moan go ahead. If you have good or bad news we want to hear it and if you are able talk to us about it.
Some one from the water company are coming to see if they can give me a metre. Hopefully to save me some money. Other than that I will be here on and off. Taking Roxie out and about also as usual.
I hope you will come and have a chat.
Roxie was helping me sort my clothes out. She climbed in my under the bed. 🤣😊😊😊
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Thanks for this post, Roxie looks very comfortable as long as your nearby!Like you I grew up with school shoes, Sunday shoes, plimsoles and sandals. Also like you I now have more shoes than I need and always wear my favourites until they fall apart!
I also have way too many clothes, boots, coats and toiletries! I tend to buy in bulk.. but 10 tubes of toothpaste, 10 new perfume bottles and 12 deodorant bottles give an idea of what I'm storing or am I hoarding?!!
Somewhere in my brain there has to be a switch that says I have enough.. but I haven't found mine or just can't hear it!
That’s when I bought them 🤣😂🤣I stopped perspiring at some time during menopause combined with low to zero carbs.. The only place I actually sweat now is my head!!Wishing you sanity during your menopause 💐
I am way past menopause but I still sweat far far too much. I have to blame the meds I take. There are 3 types I take that have side effects and I am unable to stop taking them. So the sweating continues. 😡😡
Good to hear from you Minniewinny how are good I hope. I buy in bulk when something is on offer. Normally I have to have 3 of something. Then I get more when down to 2. That way I don’t run out of things. See you again soon. 😊
good evening and great topic Caroline62, growing up my school shoes came from a well known discount show store in my home town, Dad used to take my sister and me and buy the first pair that he thought would be suitable. We had them about a week before we completely ruined them and dad would then give us the money to buy the shoes we wanted.I remember i had a pair of bright red Kickers and either Adidas Generous ( 4 stripes) or Adidas Tightarse ( 2 stripes) this was in the 1980's when money was tight.
These days I have a couple of pairs of shoes that i wear regularly, but my money is now spent on running shoes ( and running leggings)
I could not wear shoes from anywhere but Clark’s. I have funny shaped feet and always got blisters on my toes a d heels on my feet. The plasters would only come of when the shoes were failing to pieces. I always hated getting ne shoes. 😊
I’m like that with shoes- my toes are practically in a line! But can’t wear fling backs since my heels are also fairly flat. Being a size 3 I hate shoe shopping though I have a fair few- smart shoes but not gone out much to wear them😪
Thanks for this Caroline, it's bringing back memories. As a child I had a pair of Clarkes T Bar sandals that I hated and boy they were indestructible, I tried my hardest to trash them, I hated them! After that it was fashion shoes all the way till I discovered Skechers a few years ago, WOW ! My feet love them ! So now I only ever buy Skechers, I have everything from slippers to boots and wouldn't swap them for the world! x
I have a lot of sketchers. Planter fasciitis very painful had it for 4 yrs. had to use crutches for walking. I was then given some shock treatment and thank goodness after 4 treatments it went. 🤞🤞🤞 never again. 😊
Oh heck ! 4 years?? You poor thing ! I used to live in the flip flops you mentioned but apparently flat footwear or bare feet are the worse things for it? x
They are fit flops they are the shape of your foot. They had a little platform. Not flip flops that you put your toes in between.
Yes they told me to wear higher heel shoes. I just can’t. I can go over on my ankle in flats shoes. I would break my neck if I had a heel. As a nurse we only wore flats. I couldn’t get on with heels what with being too heavy and have back trouble it was a no no. 😊
Aah Fit Flops, I've never tried them but I've heard they're very good (and expensive) ! The only heels I could wear when I had it were wedges, they seemed to offer a bit more support than a thin heel whilst still keeping your foot in the right position x
Oh I really feel it for him, he has my sympathy, it's so very painful ! From what I can gather the idea is to stretch the tendon running along your under foot and lifting the arch back up . I suppose he won't be able to wear high heels but does he have anything like Cowboy boots or shoes with a heel? Was he given the exercises to do? Rolling your foot over a tennis ball? Pulling your toes up with a strap? Standing on a step and dropping your heel off it? X
Thank you for your advise. The hospital have given him inserts to put in his shoes to raise the heel. He is waiting for physiotherapy but with covid its been on the back burner. X
Oh hope he gets it soon ! I read up on it and they say never ever go barefoot, some people were even wearing crocs in the shower to keep the foot in position x
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It takes time to go I am afraid. I had it once for months then one day I woke and it had gone. Then the last one was worse I had to use crutches to walk. In the end they gave me some electric treatment over a few weeks and thank fully it went. Hope it’s sorted very soon. Carer53. 😊
I got mine in the sale 1/2 price. They can be expensive though. Had mine for around 5yrs now so have had my money’s worth out of them. They are good to go again when this rain decides to stop. 🤣
I'm also a fan of Skechers and I do find they last and last. So comfortable. I also have a pair of Ecco shoes which I find so comfortable. When I was young I too had a limited number of shoes for a specific purpose. I now have quite a few pairs and love buying shoes.
They certainly last, I'm still wearing the first pair I bought about 3 years ago ! Eee, I had a pair of Ecco boots, I must have had them 10 years, I tried to replace them when they finally gave up the ghost but Clarkes no longer sell them x
I could not wear high heels as I was to big and I would go over on my ankles with them. Having said that I do remember getting some check material once. They were so pointed and Stilettos. I nearly broke my leg wearing them and my poor feet did hurt for day after. Never again.🤣🤣😊
Oh Clarkes T bars! I hated them! The girls at school were into the 1st slip ons, I believe they were Clarkes,too. They were flat, slightly pointed with triangular air holes across the toes. I threw a wobbly in the shoe shop! Mother insisted that I didn't have pointed feet, I wore a double "E" at the time. Anyway I won and slept with them under my bed until I couldn't smell the new leather anymore.
Oh to have size 8 feet Hidden !! I'm a 10 (female UK size). I was self conscious as a child but I'm not at all embarrassed by it now. Deichmann and Evans are the only big retailers (pardon the pun) who sell my size and Deichmann have XXL stickers on the size 9 and 10 boxes just to made it clear it's not normal. 🤣
To complicate matters further, a lot of shoes are made from animal products so I have to rule out a lot that I find. I haven't got enough choice to be able to only buy certified vegan ones so have to not worry about glue etc, just avoid leather, wool etc. Synthetic shoes don't last very long so I'm lucky to get one winter out of my boots!
I have several pairs but I tend to wear the same ones to death too, love winter boots and then reluctantly switch to Converse. Not into dainty shoes!
No need to be embarrassed about the shoes. There used to be a shop near Bond Street under ground station sold shoes from size 1 to 12 in ladies. Up to 15 in men’s. Unfortunately it closed many years ago. Now I have lost some weight I find my shoes are too wide for me. Smaller size are not good as the length is smaller. Just lately I have been getting Sketches and I can get a smaller size in those.
I never wore fashionable shoes. I used to be a nurse and when training we had lace up flat black shoes. So when not working I had to stick to low heels as my feet just hurt to much. 😊
Morning Caroline - good topic this one. I can definitely relate to your earlier memories with the school shoes Easter sandals in white and black plimsolls and that was it. We were a family of six and we’re definitely on the poorer side however it seems to me that in the past growing up all of my cousins, neighbours, classmates and friends were more or less equal then. We didn’t have the attitude of ‘entitlement’ and that seems to me to be the case now. But going back to shoes I am definitely in the ‘love em! bracket’ and in my 20/30s worked in an office immediately above Berties Shoes and so I bought far more than I ever needed then and loved every minute! I stopped this spree when I had my children but it was sheer joy whilst it lasted.
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Having children stopped us from buying lots of things as we had to buy for them. While we made do. Now my kids are 46 and 43. So I can buy for me again. 😊
Hi Caroline62 I have shoes everywhere too I can't resist a bargain, I found a pair the other day which were still brand new never been worn. I also tend to wear my favourite shoes until they look terrible. But my walking shoes have been my choice of late for walking round fields, the beach or in the woods. This morning I was at the beach with my Scotty Bramble it was beautiful ,I am lucky to live in Cornwall.
Snap - I have size 8 feet too. When I was able to go into work, before Covid, I always wore my high heels (black or navy) - I like to boost my 5ft 4” stature. Now I’m teaching remotely, I live in my trainers! I love my biker boots and black suede ankle boots (with a mid heel) in autumn/winter and live in my Birkenstocks in the summer. That’s all I own: 2 pairs of heels, 2 boots, trainers and sandals.
I have a capsule wardrobe and prefer quality over quantity. Every now and then my friends and I have clothes swapping parties which are great fun. I do have my smaller clothes in a space bag at the moment, but hoping to fit in the size 12s by September and maybe even the 10s by Xmas - as long as I stay on track!!
I was 5 foot 8 “ Now following some stone surgery I am 5 foot 6 “. Never could wear high heels though my feet ached to much. Also been overweight it hurt my feet. Plus have back trouble didn’t help. I did have som DocMartins at 1 point. My feet were big and they made my feet even bigger. Comfort is my motto now every time. 😊
Another lovely photo of Roxie. Our pets are really helpful when it comes to helping us sort things. When I'm sorting through old paper work putting documents into piles, one for the black bin, one for the recycling bin and one for the shredder, my cat so likes to help me. When I turn round she is flying around the floor after different pieces of paper.
Roxie did make herself very comfy on the red duvet. She sat up when she thought I was moving. Thanks lea57-49r.😊
Lovely topic Caroline. I have shoes everywhere. My winter ones have now been taken back upstairs into the wardrobe while my summer ones have a cupboard downstairs. I do tend to wear the same ones everyday as I go for comfort rather than fashion. Like most of you as a child there were my school shoes my best shoes and usually my old school shoes would be used to play out in. Then there would be a pair of sandals for the summer. I do remember wearing those plastic shoes before jelly shoes came out which were a bit softer. My own children did not have as many pairs of shoes as my Grand children now have . Most of their shoes come from a well known shop starting with N as do most of their clothes.
My favourite shoes are sketchers and as I am now better off financially than I was years ago thats my excuse for my excessive shoe buying.
The good thing is I am not a jewelry person so hubby is happy to spend on shoes for me.
When I go to Spain he usually buys me 2 or 3 pairs to come home with. Mind you he is as bad as me and I wouldn't like to say who's got the most shoes. LOL.
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I put my winter shoes away then had to get them out again.🤣🤣 you have reminded me about those plastic shoes. I could not wear them as I got blisters from sweating to much. My 2 children didn’t have shoes until they started walking. Not like today wearing cloth shoes in the pram I find they are too expensive to buy when they are not needed. I used to go to Clark’s and have them measured every time. I have a few sketches trainers sandals and boots. I go some shoes from Spain brought 3 pairs home. 1 as been wore once 1 pair 3 times. Walking shoes a few more times. Not a lot. Still in cupboard. 😊😊
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Yes those plastic shoes did make your feet sweat. My shoes from Spain have been in the cupboard for 3 years LOL Although I have started to wear them this year maybe its because I cant go to Spain. X
My water meter has saved me loads! When I had it installed, my bill went down to a third of what it had been. I hope it works out well for you, Caroline 😊
This is the first house I have lived in that has a water meter. They are good but you can be a bit obsessive for instance I always ask Hubby to shower and not bath. I also used the hose pipe more often but think about it now. We bought some water butts for the garden so that helps. It certainly saves on the bills. It does make you think how much water we waste. X
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone• in reply to
I have to say I've never looked at the meter and I didn't change anything about my water usage. It was just realising I was paying the same water rates as the family of four down the road and I decided it was time to change. I don't have a dishwasher: I think they're water guzzlers. I prefer a shower to a bath but that was before having a meter. You're right, though, we should be conscious of the resources we use
I have had a senior moment it’s tomorrow they come not today. For some reason I was thinking it was Thursday 14. Oh well. It was too wet to go out. 🤣🤣🤣
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone• in reply to
Thanks again Caroline, I've always had wide feet and I've always hated wearing comfy but un fashionable shoes. I have a cupboard full of shoes which I bought when my feet were swollen or from when I couldn't walk so I didn't try them on properly. I have a lovely pair of Timberland boat shoes which I just can't wear as they are too shallow to put an insole, in and just fall off when I walk as they are too big. I've also got shoes which I've bought cheap from the market but are just too flat. I've never tried Kickers. For the last 2/3 years I've bought trainers which are built in such a way I have to put my heel down 1st and roll my foot to the toe, they help me walk correctly they're also good to look at. The same company makes sandals so I bought those as well. The 1st pair or sandals I literally wore out, so comfy so I bought a 2nd pair at the end of last summer. So with the 2 pairs of good trainers and the new sandals I really don't need that cupboard full! 🤣🙀
My feet were wide but as I have lost weight they have shrunk. Either that or they make shoes wider than what they used to. Now a size 8 s too wide, and size 7 is too short. I have some Fitflops for summer had then around 5 yrs. Did get some new ones but still sick to the old ones. I have ankle wellies for when it’s raining and I take Roxie out. Other wise 1 pair when I go shopping and I stick to the same once till thy fall to pieces. Sometimes I still wear them though. I hate throwing them away. The cupboard still is full of shoes. I must get rid of some. Especially the once I have not worn since moving here and putting them away. That’s around 6 yrs. 🤣🤣🎾
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