Well, I seem to be having a good week and decided to sort through a few bits of old clothing - partly to distract myself from food tonight and because some of my work trousers are so baggy I look like I am wearing pyjamas!
Some of my clothes are now laughable and it is hard to imagine them fitting before. I have almost lost 3 stones and whilst not that many people have noticed, my jeans have. Pairs I was wearing before xmas now pretty much fall down.
I bought a lovely pair last year but they didn't fit so I have never worn them. tried them on today and guess what? Yep, they are too big - so I missed the boat on those. Oh well, my loss (in more ways than one) is the charity shops gain
So, for any of you out there having an off day, dig out some old clothes and try them on, you could be surprised. I now have 4 pairs of jeans that fit me which didn't a few months ago!
Hope you are all having a good week - weigh in time for me in 9 hours!