I had some advice from a lovely poster by the name of @Walkmore to try and incorporate leftovers into every days meals, as variety costs more! Let me know if you like it and how I can improve? I haven’t included snacks yet as I’ll see how I go without snacking for now☺️
Weekly meal plan: I had some advice from... - Weight Loss Support
Weekly meal plan

Hi JB, I'm tagging Walkmore as for some reason your tag didn't work.
I think planning is brilliant, so good on you. It keeps you focused and it's definitely good for reducing waste, both when you're shopping and when you're cooking. Unfortunately, it's too small for me to read, and that's on a laptop
I suggest you post each day on the daily diary and then you'll get plenty of interaction. There can be up to 300 replies in a day so you can imagine how busy and chatty it is. To get the best feedback, let us know what plan you're following.
Thank you so much! This is a plan that I’ve created myself but it’s up for anyone to use if they feel like it😊
I hope you'll share it each day on the daily diary
Just looking: 357 replies so far on today's diary
Hiya! Sorry late reply, could you explain what exactly the daily diary is and how I post to it? Thank you!
Hi JB, when you first posted, moreless gave you a welcome: you'll see it here healthunlocked.com/weight-l... That has the link to Pinned Posts where you'll find the diary and all the other forum activities. By the way, there were 375 replies on yesterday's diary by the end of the day And around 100 on the daily chat

Great to hear you’ve made a start. Try to remember to have a large glass of water before or with your meals that really helps me
I read this thread earlier just as my phone battery died on me.. I wanted to say that you have inspired me not only to reduce the portion sizes I serve the 3 of us in my house with recipes that feed 4 🙈 but to also save that portion and freeze for last minute meals .. Thanks 😊

Wow, it looks fantastic and you’re inspiring others 👌🏻 You’ve had some great tips, some of which I’m pinching 😉 This week I got a great deal on mince so I’ve made shepherds pie, burgers, spag bog and had enough to freeze a few portions of the above. The carrots also made a lovely soup which did a couple of lunches and the potatoes made a lovely potato and leek soup too. You have me fancying pork now 😁
The pork was lovely! Chopped up loads of veggies for roasting and seasoned them with the pork fillet, by the time the veggies are getting a little crispy, the pork is cooked and still moist in the middle 🤤
Yesterday I got a freezer for the first time so I went a bit mad in Iceland, and got loads of 5% mince too so I’m gonna make loads of spag Bol cause it’s my favourite 🤩
🤣 can just imagine, was it like an episode of supermarket sweep? With all the frozen extra portions you make over time you’ll be able to have some time off cooking by just reheating your nutritious meals 😉
That was exactly it😂running round Iceland with my trolley just chucking in everything in sight😂😂and I know! I’ve never been so excited to own anything in my life, it’s practically full already😂😂
🤣🤣🤣 brilliant. It’ll save you so much money and time cooking in the long run. You do realise we’ll all be thinking of you and your trolley the next time we’re shopping 😂

🛒 😂 a wee vision to start the day, have a good one.