Well, first of all I’m a newbie on this weight loss support.
I had a heart attack then triple bypass last Aug, and very happy to survive it.
I left hospital weighing 12st 6. I’m now 13st 6!!!!.
I’ve been doing quite a lot of walking, 3 miles, the odd 5 miles to get out and about and get my heart fitter.
I’m 5ft 6in and just turned 59.
My biggest issue by far is Grazing, as my wife says!!! Especially in the evenings, a few biscuits here and there, crisps( I love them!!) pick, pick, pick. I’m good at breakfast having porridge, I eat loads of fruit, maybe too much? Especially satsumas. But I’m a fussy eater. I’ve stopped all sausage rolls, pies, sausage sandwich ( which I love) I’ve tried to reduce as much as I can because I need to get a grip of this.
The only place I put weight on is my belly, looks like a beach ball!!!
I have a echogram, booked for the beginning of June and my goal is to get to 12st 6 or under. I prefer to weigh myself in pounds and ounces because it’s shows even the slightest loss!! Is that ok doing it in pounds and ounces for my weigh in?
Thanks for reading my post, I’m not very good on technology so I’m going to be guided by everyone on here.
Many thanks, and good luck to everyone with their goals.