Binged. Not good: Ive just had my first... - Weight Loss Support

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Binged. Not good

56 Replies

Ive just had my first true binge since June.

So today at work there were lots of treats and I had one too many, when I got home I got on the scales and saw a gain (which I deserved after a takeaway on Wednesday.) I then talked myself into ordering my second takeaway of the week with the ethos of "if I'm gonna gain I want a proper blow out to earn it". I didn't track any calories, which I always do, so I have no idea how many I have consumed; well over 10,000 I reckon. I'm feeling disappointed in myself and a bit lost on how to fix it. The worst thing is I didn't even enjoy the takeaway, I threw some of it away.

56 Replies
springersrule profile image

Now listen to me Iamwhatiam, special musketeer... 😉 Its a couple of days out of 5 months of hard work and that's makes it a very low percentage of naughtiness. Now if I was clever I would tell you the actual percentage to show you just how much of this time has been great for you but I can't cos I'm worse than thick when it comes to that sort of maths 😂😂 However the sentiment is there and you'll know what I mean. Draw that line under this week and start afresh with this weekend. I know you can do it, look what you've done already. Chin up lovely you can beat it 💖💖 xx

in reply to springersrule

This made me cry a little. Thank you

springersrule profile image
springersruleModerator76kg in reply to

Aww sorry I didnt mean to do that. Big hugs xx

in reply to springersrule

Good tears I assure you

springersrule profile image
springersruleModerator76kg in reply to

Oh that's good and a relief xx

Cockneyblue profile image
CockneyblueRestart Jan 2024 in reply to springersrule

That is a really lovely post. ❤️❤️❤️👏

rjb112 profile image
rjb112Visitor in reply to springersrule

"Its a couple of days out of 5 months of hard work and that's makes it a very low percentage of naughtiness. Now if I was clever I would tell you the actual percentage to show you just how much of this time has been great for you but I can't cos I'm worse than thick when it comes to that sort of maths"

OK, Here's the math: it is only 1.3% of the time in "naughtiness" and 98.7% of the time with a good pattern of eating.

Good job.

springersrule profile image
springersruleModerator76kg in reply to rjb112

Fabulous, thank you Rjb xx

rjb112 profile image
rjb112Visitor in reply to springersrule

You're welcome springersrule

in reply to rjb112

Eee more maths work! Thanks!

rjb112 profile image
rjb112Visitor in reply to

You're welcome. And congratulations on the tremendous success you have had

in reply to rjb112


over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingMaintainer7lbs in reply to springersrule

Hello Hidden , 99.3% of the 5 months have been great, seriously astounding with that amazing 4 stone badge to provide the evidence and so less than 1% with a blip, just a measly 0.7%. I should imagine there will be lots of folk on here who would be thrilled to have your results over the last 5 months. Good to have already read that you have woken up ready to start afresh. 😊Many congratulations on all that you have achieved so far and here's to a continued impressive weight loss journey. 😊🌸

in reply to over61andstilltrying

Eeee I love the percentages!! Thank you!

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone

Don't you be going losing that beautiful new badge !

You've had a blow out, draw a line under it. With some nifty damage limitation before Wobblers on Wednesday, you might get away with it, good luck Chick! :-) x

in reply to Lytham

I hear you, I worked so hard for that badge and want to keep it. Hoping for a STS or a small 1 or 2 lbs gained so I can hold onto it. Thank you.

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to

Brilliant, that's the spirit, you can do it, every faith in you! :-) x

in reply to Lytham

Thank you. Just wish I believed in myself as much

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to

Trust me, I can feel it in my water! :-) x

in reply to Lytham

More happy tears

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to

Awe bless ! You don't get a 4 stone badge by not being made of strong stuff, you can do this, I just know it! :-) x 😇🦎♥️💪👍

Hi iamwhatiam517 I totally agree with my fellow musketeer and you must draw that line we are in this together and we will do it. Look how far you have got you’ve got this.🥰xx

in reply to

Thank you very much 😊

Greendream123 profile image

I think the key thing is that you didn't enjoy the 2nd takeaway! Surely that's progress to recognise it, along with how unhappy you feel as a result. As others have said, try to move on knowing that actually, you've learnt a lot from this experience. You've lost a huge amount and obviously made big changes overall, and really what's a few pounds compared to a whooping 4 stone loss?! Like springersrule , I'd have liked to do the maths but I'm truly awful at with numbers!

I'm looking forward to reading your daily diarys over the next few days. I'm sure you'll feel better once you've got back to your usual, lovely food. 🙂

in reply to Greendream123

I really didn't enjoy it, threw half of the pudding in the bin. Thank you 😊

slipstick profile image
slipstickMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to

No problem then. Food in the bin does not go onto the waist. Buying something bad but not eating it doesn't count as a binge. That's more like the act of someone whose way of eating has changed for good.

in reply to slipstick

Aww thanks. Wish I'd thrown more out before forcing it down

Climb007 profile image

I agree with your fanclub on here. This was only a miniscule blip on your record. I and countless others on this forum have had many lapses/ binges/ blowouts.

But as springersrule and others said its only an irelevent number when contrasted with all the good you have achieved since starting.

Its not about how many times we fall down that counts..its how many times we get back up that matters.

Good luck. I know you can do it.

in reply to Climb007

Thank you very much

Hi I can really relate to this and you have done marvelously 😄 binge eating is something I manage as I don't think it will ever go away

I have read so many articles on it but comments on here made me realise that restricting food is a major cause. I bought a dark chocolate bounty today as I can never find them and enjoyed it without feeling guilty. You have done so well and you are more aware now xx

in reply to

I definitely tried to eat my feeling last night, woken up ready to get back on track

springersrule profile image
springersruleModerator76kg in reply to

That's great news Iamwhatiam. I was just about to post asking how you are this morning. All for 1 and 1 for all - we're here for you 😍😍 xx

in reply to springersrule

Thank you so much 💓

in reply to

Yeh well done you 😁

in reply to


UnitedRed profile image

I know it’s hard, but try not to worry. It’s nothing more than a blip if that’s all you let it be. Had a wobble myself recently! It’s natural.

My advice would be don’t try to “make up” the calories - you’ll only make yourself more hungry and more likely to binge again. Just start fresh tomorrow.

Remember why you’re on this journey - I’m sure it’s a great reason for you to have done so well for so long!

in reply to UnitedRed

Thank you so much. I've woken up ready to start afresh, I'm going to make some soup full of pulses and beans 😋

Ha11y profile image

It's happened move on. Don't let a couple of bad choices throw you off track, get back your focus and start again. So it'll take a little bit longer no big deal. You have done amazing and will do so again.

in reply to Ha11y

Thank you very much

mudgiebananas profile image

I know its not what you want and you're now kicking yourself and feeling guilty, we've all done it sometime,on our perfect healthy eating life,we plan and envisage a smooth journey,but things happen,and although you wont want to hear it, this is the best thing to get you back on track as its your story,not someone elses that you are reading ,you did you've learnt and this will make you red hot to put it right,draw a line under it,we know how it feels,its a blip and you will repair how you feel and get on with it stronger than before,my lesson has now ended, have a great week, take care xxx

in reply to mudgiebananas

Thank you 😊

gman1961 profile image
gman1961HostRestart April 2024

Sometimes we need a blowout IamwhatIam517,When we think we want to have something we don't always enjoy it as we think we would.

You will be on track again and I'm sure many of us on hear can relate to your post.

No need to be disappointed with yourself,it's done now.

don't beat yourself up start again now .


in reply to gman1961

Thanks Gary. In the cold light of day I feel much better about it. I think I did need it and I needed to experience how much I didn't enjoy the meal.

gman1961 profile image
gman1961HostRestart April 2024 in reply to

It wasn't meant to be especially when you don't enjoy it.Gary

focused1 profile image

Loving the honesty . My sons were ordering greasy fish n chips last weekend so guess who joined in plus peas , plus curry sauce plus buttered bread roll , plus almost a bottle of white wine and I woke up about 05.30 feeling horrid physically and mentally but hey ho = 1 week after I am the same weight as before it .

in reply to focused1

This forum is an amazing place where we can all be honest and get amazing support, thank you for your reply 😁

D00dledawg profile image

Hi, I totally sympathise as I've been there so often. With me it usually follows a successful day of dieting then having a tiny morsel of carbohydrate then whoosh, all control flies out of window as quick as the rubbish flies out of the fridge/biscuit tin/bread bin. Does this resonate with you? I don't really know the answer but at least you know you're not alone.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to D00dledawg

Hello and welcome, D00dledawg :)I see from your profile that you have Type 1 diabetes so I'm assuming you understand the appropriate way of eating for your condition :)

You'll find everything you need to use the forum by following this link to Pinned Posts. I recommend joining a weekly weigh in team and using the Daily Diary.

Take your time exploring, read posts, chat and encourage others - it will all payoff for you :)

in reply to D00dledawg

Yea that completely resonates with me lol nice to know I'm not alone thanks

Royal-Regime profile image

Hi, don’t worry. Just imagine it never happened and simply keep going with the healthy eating. I reckon once in while we all have a bit of a binge. Don’t think on it and it won’t ruin your long term progress. Don’t be hard on yourself after all we’re only human and it’s not crime.One thing in my religion is that God (Allah)is the most merciful, therefore you’re always given another chance in life because God knows we’re not perfectly and that encourages us not to give up on the good no matter how hard it gets. Pick yourself up and keep going.

in reply to Royal-Regime

Awww thank you very much 😊

Tony_Singh profile image

The easiest way to deter yourself from taking on cheap calories is to convert them to how much exercise you need to do to work them off.100 calories equals about 1 mile walking.

1500 calorie binge equals a 15 mile walk.

Don't take the calories on in the first instance and save yourself the money.

in reply to Tony_Singh

Thanks 😊

Tony_Singh profile image

It is not easy but the rewards are worth it.

in reply to Tony_Singh


Tony_Singh profile image
Tony_SinghVisitor in reply to

Believe and you shall achieve.

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