1 and a half stone gain since March - Weight Loss Support

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1 and a half stone gain since March

CraigJ1234 profile image
29 Replies

Urgh. Been trying to lose weight for years (yo yo ing between 15 and 16 stone). Gone up sharply from 15 to 16.5 stone. My partner lost a few stone over the last year and was going well, but has been unable to lose any more weight and starting to gain again. She was already losing weight when she joined slimming world.

She's a bad influence with ordering takeaways (no real excuse though).

I'm going to make a more determined effort now, even though I thought I was doing well (been eating a lot of salads on a daily basis)!

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CraigJ1234 profile image
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29 Replies
moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Welcome back, CraigJ1234 :)

May I suggest that for inspiration you use this forum more, not as a personal blog space, but as a place to interact with others in the same boat?

As a reminder, all of the information you need about the forum can be found in Pinned Posts

healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... and I hope you'll be joining all the Events, Challenges and Clubs that we run, especially a weigh-in and the daily diary.

We've found active participation to be key to successful weight loss and, of course, it's a good way to get to know people, find inspiration and share support and encouragement.

Wishing you all the best :)

CraigJ1234 profile image
CraigJ1234 in reply to moreless

Ta. Will do. Sounds like a plan.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to CraigJ1234

Great, why not strike while the oven's hot and pop over to today's weigh-in and daily diary? :)

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone

Loving the determination and the salads ! Would you like to join us on our Daily Diary and post your menu for tomorrow? Here's the link, I hope to see you there :-) x


in reply to Lytham

Spaghetti bolognaise on the menu tonight. Usually have about 2 or 3 servings, but have been trying to find willpower to refrain the last few months and only had 1 portion so far!

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to

Well done for refraining ! :-) x

CraigJ1234 profile image
CraigJ1234 in reply to Lytham

Hopefully when the hidden stack of chocolates are gone I can refrain from buying anymore!

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to CraigJ1234

Quick ! Give them away :-) x lol

CraigJ1234 profile image
CraigJ1234 in reply to Lytham

It's my last supper!

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone

Hello, CraigJ1234, you've caused me some confusion. You have a badge saying Restart Nov 2020 but you have also replied on this post with a 5 on the end of your name. It seems you have two profiles. It will make sense for you to just use one: maybe go for the one without the 5, as that's where you have your' welcome back' badge :)

CraigJ1234 profile image

Thanks. Sorted I think.

CraigJ1234 profile image

Had a few extra hours sleep lately and hoping this will help with weightloss. Not had as many takeaways also and managed to avoid the chocolate isle today so fingers crossed I lose a couple of lbs over the next few day!

RockChick1969 profile image

I have gained the same amount, frustrating but this year has tested us all. Hang in there :)

CraigJ1234 profile image

Was doing quite well until checking the freezer for food to use up. Came across a packet of 12 spring rolls so demolished them just befor bed after drinking soup all day. Weight seems to be stuck on 16.5 stone.

Pebbles77 profile image
Pebbles77Visitor in reply to CraigJ1234

Had you planned on eating soup all day? You were probably hungry so no wonder the spring rolls seemed a good solution. What are you planning for today? If you head over to the Daily Diary and post there, you can see what other members have on their menu :)

CraigJ1234 profile image

We have a chest freezer. She buys loads of naughty food and never eats it so I end up eating most of it to avoid it going to waste.

Weight seems to have settled on 16.5 stone or just a couple of pounds lower.

Just started doing light situps on the edge of the sofa. Hopefully can keep at it and notice a difference in a few days.

PedallingMinstrel profile image
PedallingMinstrelRestart April 2024

Welcome aboard Craig I’ve lost nearly three and a half stone since March. I started at fifteen stone I couldn’t have done it without this support group. Keep chatting to people

weigh in once a week

and tell people what you’re going to eat each day.

You’ll get lots of advice help and support here.

My other half has started trying to eat more healthily now although I eat differently .

I have cut out carbs and alcohol

My partner usually has the same but adds some carbs.

Good luck Craig I’m rooting for you mate

Best wishes


CraigJ1234 profile image
CraigJ1234 in reply to PedallingMinstrel

What if your partner isn't on board? She has depression so not the easiest to sway! She's wanting another takeaway (2 on the trott).

PedallingMinstrel profile image
PedallingMinstrelRestart April 2024

My OH is constantly on at me as she is not happy about me not eating carbs. I try and do most of the cooking I make a meal for me which has no carbs and give my partner the same meal with added carbs for example a baked potatoe or noodles chips rice pasta . If she wants a take away she can have one but you make yourself something healthy. It’s your call Craig only you can change things if you don’t change anything you will carry on as you are.Good luck with it.

As soon as I started eating healthily I noticed a difference nearly straight away before I even started losing the weight. I’ve gone from 15 stone to 11.8 in seven months I really wish you well.

Best wishes


CraigJ1234 profile image
CraigJ1234 in reply to PedallingMinstrel

Thanks. Really appreciate it. Very true. I've recently started to dislike takeaways funnily enough. They don't seem to be as tasty as they used to be, so hopefully this will help me to say no!

It can take a few hours from saying 'I'd like a takeaway' to the ordering bit so the torment can drag on.

Gunna go get myself a salad while she faffs about with it.

pd63 profile image
pd63Visitor in reply to CraigJ1234

Loss of taste is a covid symptom 😀

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to pd63

I don't think it was a reference to loss of taste, just the way one's tastes can change with a changed way of eating.

Are you wanting to lose weight and join the forum? Just let me know and I'll make sure you know your way around :)

CraigJ1234 profile image
CraigJ1234 in reply to BridgeGirl

She ordered me some kind of chicken kebab last night which for some reason wasn't nice but I still ate it and then gave me her cheesy chips which she didn't want, which was also quite foul, eating about a quarter of it.

My tastebuds are working ok and yeah I agree my understanding of the covid symptom is that you can't taste food at all. Having said that I had a fever and headache yesterday with the headache continuing today. Awaiting covid results but the other half testested positive this morning.

No xmas dinner for me today as had planned to go out and not much xmas dinner food in!

PM I was between 15 stone and 16 stone like a yoyo for years now seem to have stuck on 16.5 stone for about 10 months now.

CraigJ1234 profile image
CraigJ1234 in reply to CraigJ1234

Lol spoke too soon. It came back negative.

I'm 5'10 and I'll be 40 next year. Hopefully give up the takeaways soon. It took me a few goes to stop smoking! I'm going to get back into my weights also as done this for years apart from last few months and tey keep up my couch situps as normal situps make my legs ache a lot.

PedallingMinstrel profile image
PedallingMinstrelRestart April 2024 in reply to CraigJ1234

You’re going to start by eating quite a lot at first Craig if you’re 15 stone and then reduce as you lose it. I’m 66 at 15 stone I struggled to get out of the chair I just sat and watched TV drank lots of wine and ate crisps nuts chocolate etc . I had high blood pressure I was on statins for high cholesterol and my blood sugar was getting near to diabetes. My blood sugar is normal now and I’m not on statins or blood pressure tablets anymore. I’ve loads of energy and sleeping so much better. I cycle for my exercise and just bought myself a lightweight bike as a reward to help up steep hill climbes. I feel good about myself I’ve gone from a 38 to 32 inch waist jeans.. I’m not saying it’s easy I’ve put a lot of time in on the bike and I’ve allowed myself to feel hungry at times knowing I’ll eat later and that if I’m hungry my body will be burning off fat reserves.

You’re doing this for you

Best wishes keep talking to people on this forum you’ll get lots of good advice and support


CraigJ1234 profile image
CraigJ1234 in reply to PedallingMinstrel

Why would she be on at you for not wanting to eat carbs? I am at a bit of a loss why my partner can't show any support for me. When she was trying to lose weight I was really supportive. I would try hide my dissapointment for no takeaways etc. and wouldn't order any as well.

A tricky thing with ordering takeaways is the minimum order amount. She will order stuff for around a fiver but most places have a ten pound minimum order so she orders for me also.

PedallingMinstrel profile image
PedallingMinstrelRestart April 2024 in reply to CraigJ1234

She wants me to eat the same sort of foods as her so we can share things same with booze. The scales show me 4 lbs heavier as I had lots of booze and ate loads of chocolate Christmas Day. No booze yesterday and did a heavy ride on the bike for three hours this morning. I want to get down to my last weigh in weight of 11.10 for Wednesday. If you want to lose weight you will have to start eating healthy meals and know what you are eating. I suggest you weigh in once a week on the site and join the Daily Diary. This hopefully will make you commit to eating healthy meals. Your partner will have to have a take away on her own. My partner was knocking back the wine having chocolate and crisps last night. I didn't it's up to her.Good luck with it Craig

Best wishes


CraigJ1234 profile image

Another takeaway ordered today. Creamy pasta with chips (ffs!). Managed to bin most of it though yay! But seriously, if you are going to order a takeaway, why order something like pasta? !!

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to CraigJ1234

Is there any way you could make no takeaways attractive to your OH? Like putting the money aside for something that would be a real treat for you both - a trip, something for the home, new gear, anything you'd both enjoy.

When it comes down to it, I think it's going to be deeds not words that convinces her i.e. not just saying you don't want a takeaway and that you prefer real food, but showing it by not eating it. Not saying this will be easy but, from your posts, it looks as though this has to be tackled and you're trying your best, the subtle way

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